I have site that has been established for quite some time, nothing big, 2 networks involved switching warehouse lighting. Sounds simple. During the day it all works fine, both networks online 100%, all good. Most evenings it seems, once the loads to the warehouse are decreased that the networks slowly go into a degraded state, finally ending up going offline. C-Gate appears to lock up & cannot re-open the network/s, C-Gate comes back with "stuck Transmitter". The only way I can get the site running again is closing C-Gate & re-opening, & it all syncs fine, for 12 hrs. The only external "potential issue" I can see is the mains voltage being too high. During the day I can see on the check metering in the MDB that each phase is sitting on about 252V, when approx 1000A per phase is being drawn. I had a log put on the mains voltage & it peaks at about 275V when the load is decreased " nightime". Does anyone know if this has a detrimental effect on my network voltage's/ communications, I know they work within 120-240V range? But 275V? I'm clutching at straws a bit I know, has anyone had any similiar issues out there. Any feedback would be appreciated.