Greetings I am in talks with a client who is looking to build a home off the grid. Energy to be stored in batteries. He would like to have all the functionality that C-Bus is good at. He is wanting to use LED's for lighting and would prefer not to have to convert to ac mains and run mains voltages around the house for lighting and then use transformers to step the voltage back down. Ignoring dimming for the moment, on / off functionality should be easy using relays. Obviously will need to convert to ac mains to power the c-bus output units power supplies and operate the C-bus data network. (He will need to convert to some ac mains to run household appliances.) Question. How well does C-bus handle inverter generated mains power.? How well do C-bus power supplies handle "brown out" situations. (Batteries running flat) Is there a good reason that the system should not be used this way? I have found a few threads where people were looking a using 0-10 V , Dali for dimming LED's. Has anyone actually attempted this? results? - recommendation's?