ON/OFF Scenes in Touch Screen

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by Duke D, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. Duke D

    Duke D

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Nashville, TN (USA)
    First off, a word of introduction; I've recently come on board as a Field Application Engineer with SquareD Lighting Control in LaVergne, TN (USA). (SquareD is owned by Schneider Electric and is the parent brand for Clipsal C-Bus in N. America) Our department of SquareD conducts Clipsal C-Bus training for contractors and integrators on Toolkit, PICED, MARPA, etc. We also do training on C-Bus integration with SquareD's widely used PowerLink system (remotely controled circuit breakers for commercial applications).

    I've recently run into a question on how PICED handles scenes when the 'Key Function' is set to On/Off. I understand that if an Action Selector is associated to a Scene in an external device (say a Neo keypad) the Neo would be capable of setting a scene defined in PICED using the same Application/Trigger Group/Action Selector. However I'm finding if a scene is set to On/Off in a PICED device/touch screen, this does not trigger a corresponding scene at Trigger Control/Trigger Group xx/Action Selector 0 or 255. In fact, you don't even have to define an Action Selector if turning a scene On/Off with PICED.

    It appears the On/Off function simply takes the level of the lighting groups in the scene to 255 (on) or 0 (off), but does nothing in Trigger Control Application. Is this correct?

    The reason for the question; I've been working on a project for a large University using Clipsal relays with PowerLink for larger 277/30A loads. They're controlling most of the circuits with a Mark II touch screen, along with a handful of Neo and DLT keypads for area and corridor lighting. There are approximately 40 Clipsal group addresses being switched on/off in various combinations using their Mark II. They have multiple On/Off buttons on the touch screen, but don't want separate 'scene on' 'scene off' buttons for each various scenarios due to limited real estate on the Mark II. (i.e. 3 rows/6 sections of gymnasium flood lights with all on/all off, left side on/off, right side on/off, first row on/off, second row on/off, third row on/off, etc) The simplest way I've found to achieve this is to put the various groups into scenes in the touch screen and then use the on/off key function. Assuming I don't build any scenes in keypads using the same Trigger Group, is there any problem with handling ON/OFF 'scenes' in this manner?

    Duke D, Nov 24, 2008
  2. Duke D

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Hiya Duke

    First up: Make sure to read this tutorial (What the heck are scenes, anyhow?): http://www.cbusforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=439

    Next: It sounds like you are using PICED to set up a B&W touchscreen Mk2, and setting a button on the screen to ON/OFF. It seems like you might not have put the button in the Trigger Control application. If you have, then the Trigger group used needs to match that used in the key switch (Neo, DLT, etc). And then the ON function is equivalent to that Trigger Group, with an action selector of 255. Similarly the Off function is equivalent to that Trigger Group with an action selector of 0.

    What I'm not 100% sure though: Have you placed all the scenes in the Mk2 touchscreen? And you are trying to then trigger those scenes remotely from a DLT or a Neo?
    ashleigh, Nov 24, 2008
  3. Duke D

    Darren Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    If you are using a Key Function other than "Scene" with a Scene, then the Scene Components are treated as a bunch of group addresses and the key function applies to those groups. The levels of the group addresses in the scene are ignored. See the help file topic "Adjusting Scenes".
    Darren, Nov 26, 2008
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