PAC Scenes

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by damian.flynn, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    Hi Guys,

    I just moved into my new house on Friday and just like in Jurassic Park; the glitch list is getting a bit wild. I have a PAC in my CBUS network but it has not being programmed to do anything so far. I have my scenes stored locally on the Saturn Keypads, and during the installtion and basic configuations all this works pretty well.

    However, After just two nights we have hit the limites of the scenes in the Saturn in terms of numbers of channels per scene. The living/sitting/kitchen/dining area are all sharing a semi open plan area, and there are 15 dimmer channels used in these areas alone, and i can get a maximum of 8 channels on the saturn embeded scenes.

    So, looking at PICED and the Scene Editor, It looks like i can get MANY [100]more channels into a scene. But i am not making any progress with this tool.

    I have 3 Tab's:
    Scene Trigger
    Network: Local Network
    Application: Trigger Control
    Group Address: <Unused>
    Action Selector: OFF

    Scene Components
    Network: Local Network
    All Networks: unticked
    Application: Trigger Control
    All Application: unticked
    Scene Components, with a selection of buttons.

    (After adding the 10 channels I need to the scene, I click Capture, Set Scene, etc and I get no level information etc, Live Changes also does not appear to have any effect)

    Lists the Scene Name and Level, with Live Changes ticked, has no effect on the channel.

    When I get this working, how can I instuct the Saturn to use this scene?

    Im sorry if these are obvious questions and if i should have read a doucment to get more answers before posting, but if that is the case i would be also very appericated if a like to a good relevant doucment would be shared. I have not had the time lately to do the normal research due to all the fun of getting a new build ready for living in, and moving in.

    kind regards
    damian.flynn, Jun 1, 2008
  2. damian.flynn


    Dec 23, 2007
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Damian, have you selected "Options > Connect To C-Bus" ??

    I can't help you with programming the saturns, as I only have standard keypads on my network, and use trigger groups to trigger my scenes.
    froop, Jun 2, 2008
  3. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    I would have just hit reply with a Yes, to that question, but; I decided to double check and yes the stupid irish man did not connect to the network, Thank you.

    Now i have a scene with 10 channels / Groups created and saved in the PAC, but I still anit got a clue how to trigger this from a keypad?

    damian.flynn, Jun 2, 2008
  4. damian.flynn


    May 31, 2006
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    Western Australia

    You need to set the trigger and action selector.

    Scene Trigger
    Network: Local Network
    Application: Lighting
    Group Address: Lounge Room Trigger
    Action Selector: ON

    Make sure you set this up with toolkit closed.

    Now open toolkit and in your saturn assign a button to the GA 'Lounge Room Trigger'.
    filpee, Jun 2, 2008
  5. damian.flynn

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I assume your scenes are now working from the PAC? From your first post the contents of the "Scene Components" tab don't look right... the "Application" here should be "Lighting" not "Trigger Control"..

    To trigger a scene in your PAC from a key switch.. you need to assign a Trigger Group and Action Selector to it in the PAC, and then assign the same Trigger Group and Action Selector to a key on your switch.

    To assign a Trigger Group to the scene in the PAC.. just fill in a Trigger Group and Action Selector in the "Scene Trigger" tab.

    To assign the Trigger Group and Action Selector to your switch.. in Toolkit, set the Key Function to "Scene", and assign a blank scene to it (recent versions of Toolkit should do this automatically). Then click the icon to the right of the "Function" drop down, and select the Trigger Group and Action Selector you assigned to the scene in the PAC.

    HTH.. let us know how you go.

    NickD, Jun 2, 2008
  6. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    Thanks so much for all the help. My Inital issue was that i was not actually connected to the CBUS, so was unable to get back current levels, or do live adjustments. Once the obvious was pointed out, I was able to create 2 or 3 scenes and store them on the PAC.

    So - On to the triggering.


    Using the PICED tool [and connected to C-BUS], I opened the Scenes tool, and brought back-up a dilagoue for one of the scences, where I was once again presented with the 3 tabs for configuration. I then made the following changes on the Scene Trigger tab.

    Network : Local Netwok
    Application: Lighting
    Group Address: Clicked on the 'plus' icon, and selected an unused Group number [eg 101], and set a Description 'LR Sitting Scene'
    Level: On

    My Assumption on 'Level' is that all the settings in the group will change to their respective levels and not a % of thier values; If I set level to 50%; then all the lights in the secene would light to 50% of what I have set as thier respective values.

    I clicked on OK, and closed the Dialogue, and was greeted with a Warning, that 'Triggering a scene on the Lighting Application may cause it to be activated by other scenes and cause circular scene triggering; I think we can safely ignore this, but its just a reminder that we could have easily added our new Group Address - 101 - LR Sitting Scene, as a setting in another scene, which would start a cascade approach. Anyhow, no issue yet as this is the first scene.

    Finally, Clicked OK to close the scene Manager. Then went to the Transfer menu, and selected Transfer Project to Unit... which displayed the Transfer to Unit dialogue

    Selected Transfer Current Project and Set Unit Time to PC Time and Clicked on OK; [Monitor Version 1.4, Firmware Version = 3.13.0]. The system then confirmed transfer complete and I finally closed the PICED utility


    Launced the Toolkit, Expanded and connected to my Network, and selected the Units branch of the tree.

    I then located a Key Swith in the Database, [Saturn 6 Key], and double clicked to display the Dialogue for the KEYB6 settings.

    I selected a Key 5 Function and set it to Scene and assigned the Scene as Scene 8 which is a Blank Scene.
    Next, I clicked on the icon to the right of the Scene which pop's up a new dialogue, Define a Scene Key
    I am then offered:
    Trigger Group: <Unused>; my new Group from PICED is NOT Listed
    Scene: Scene 8
    Ramp Rate: 8 Seconds
    Trigger Group Action Selector: <Unassigned>, and no other options available.

    I have messed up somewhere in this. Checking the Groups in Toolkit, I can see the LR Sitting Scene as Group 100 which we created in PICED, but Set Group On, or OFF has no effect, while If i set group on or off for a light that will light as expected.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2008
    damian.flynn, Jun 2, 2008
  7. damian.flynn


    May 31, 2006
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    Western Australia
    Think of this more along the lines of "When 'LR Sitting Scene' is equal to ON (Level) then the scene is triggered (ie lights go to the value you set in the scene tab)"
    or if you set Level to 50%
    "When 'LR Sitting Scene' is equal to 50%(Level) then the scene is triggered (ie lights go to the value you set in the scene tab)"
    Note though that this could happen on a Ramp Up or Ramp Down.

    Ok. Instead of setting your button as a 'Scene' set it to On/Off and select your 'LR Sitting Scene' GA from the drop down box.
    The reason you could not see it is because you have put your scene trigger on the lighting application rather then the trigger application.
    filpee, Jun 2, 2008
  8. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    Hmm, Still no go on that idea also...
    damian.flynn, Jun 2, 2008
  9. damian.flynn

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Ok... for the scene *trigger* you really want the Application to be "Trigger Control".. it *can* be done on the lighting appliation, but that's really only necessary if you are using older style key units. Since you have Saturns we can do it the preferred way.

    Not quite... On the "Trigger Control" application, the "Group" is called a "Trigger Group", and the "Level" is called an "Action Selector". Setting the trigger group to different levels (action selectors) triggers different scenes.

    In a Saturn switch for example.. you can store up to 8 scenes. You have one Trigger Group for the switch, and each scene would have a different action selector... so the "Action Selectors" (levels) select which scene is triggered. If for example you had one Trigger group for all your switches, and different Action Selectors for all the different scenes across those switches... then setting the Trigger Group to each of the different levels would trigger each of the scenes in turn..

    I've probably made a complete hash of that explanation.. I'm sure there is a better one in the Toolkit and/or PICED online help.

    When you define a scene key it will generate scene trigger messages on the Trigger Control application. If you created your Scene Trigger in PICED on the Lighting Application it will therefore not show up here. If you change your settings for the Scene Trigger in PICED to use the Trigger Control application rather than lighting you should be fine.

    Another reason the group you created in PICED may not show up in Toolkit is that the two programs do not (yet) sync changes made in one to the other. At present I think if you create a tag in PICED you will need to restart Toolkit for it to show up in Toolkit.

    Anyway... sounds like you are getting close.. some of these terms and methods can be a little confusing at first but there is method in the madness!

    NickD, Jun 3, 2008
  10. damian.flynn


    Aug 13, 2007
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    Lucky555, Jun 5, 2008
  11. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    thanks - ill give that a bash.
    damian.flynn, Jun 5, 2008
  12. damian.flynn


    Jan 21, 2008
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    Right Oh,

    It took a while but i got it going. thanks for all the support.

    I will write a process Doc for other newbies to follow; as its a wee bit tricky to get the mind around initially.
    damian.flynn, Jun 30, 2008
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