Piced (C-Gate) connection problem

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Thomas, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Thomas


    Nov 25, 2004
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    This question is probably for Darren:

    I have a system consisting of approx 70 C-Bus components. Up to now there are no problems with the system. When I connect with Toolkit (V1.92) the network scans in nice and fast.
    However, if I try to connect using PICED, to do tests, or set some system parameters, the following happens:

    If I start Piced without C-Gate having been opened by Toolkit, the network shows as opened after a short while, but does not come on-line. At least not within 10 minutes.
    If I connect with Toolkit, scan in the network, then either close Toolkit, and open PICED, or simply open Piced on top of Toolkit, the network opens and goes on-line in no time. However, after less than 5 minutes the network goes off-line in either case.

    I will e-mail you the log files for each attempt, and hope that you can shed some light into this.
    I have also looked at the logs and find that quite a few units seem to report a suspected duplicate unit adress scenario, something I find peculiar, as there are none detected by Toolkit, not even during a forced unravel.

    Your assistance will be appreciated.
    Thomas, Aug 11, 2008
  2. Thomas


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    When experiencing problems it's always helpful to post version information about the software you're using. Which version of PICED?
    Newman, Aug 11, 2008
  3. Thomas

    daniel C-Busser Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
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    Don't be alarmed by the "Orphaned command replies" - there are some messages that C-Gate doesn't recognise, so it *suggests* a duplicate unit when there isn't one really. This is a known issue and has been fixed for the next release. As long as you have unravelled the network in Toolkit your unit addresses should be fine.
    daniel, Aug 12, 2008
  4. Thomas


    Nov 25, 2004
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    Thank you for your replies.
    Newman, you are quite right. The program versions I use are V1.93 for Toolkit and V4.3 for Piced.

    Daniel, thank you for your input. I am wondering about these responses because I do not see them on other networks. The thing which is most peculiar to me is that Toolkit seems to have no problem.
    Thomas, Aug 12, 2008
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