PICED - Unexpected error occured

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by Rolecgroup, May 6, 2005.

  1. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:

    Cant see this mentioned anywhere else.

    As Toolkit and PICED wont recognise my CTouch as a CTouch, only a PC-INT :( - I connect via COM1 direct to unit. I find that ever object i click on gives me this error - though it does not stop it from working, its bl**dy annoying.

    Application Error

    Software Version = 2.6.1
    Software Build = 0

    Exception 'ECGateAccessException' in module PICED.exe at 0039621D
    No Connection to C-Gate present

    Module: cgDLL_Init, Source: cgDLL_Init.pas, Line 52
    Procedure: RaiseAnError
    Call stack:
    :0079721D [PICED.exe] RaiseAnError (cgDLL_Init.pas, line 51)
    :7C59BBF3 [kernel32.dll]
    :0079721D [PICED.exe] RaiseAnError (cgDLL_Init.pas, line 51)
    :0079DBB2 [PICED.exe]
    :0040301E [PICED.exe] System.__linkproc__ GetMem (system.pas, line 1227)
    Recursive call (2 times):
    :0079721D [PICED.exe] RaiseAnError (cgDLL_Init.pas, line 51)
    :0079726C [PICED.exe] Cgdll_init.AssertCGateIsConnected (cgDLL_Init.pas, line 59)
    :00798052 [PICED.exe] Cgdll_networks.cgAlias_GetNetworkCount (cgDLL_Networks.pas, line 81)
    :0079BE09 [PICED.exe] Cis_tagdbdll.Alias_GetNetworkCount (CIS_TagDBDLL.pas, line 540)
    :008D8BB7 [PICED.exe] Tag.FillNetworkCombo (tag.pas, line 675)
    :71723160 [comctl32.dll]
    :77E5079C [user32.dll]
    :7172A4D5 [comctl32.dll]
    :717572F8 [comctl32.dll]
    :77E16E0D [user32.dll]
    :717572FE [comctl32.dll]
    :71713613 [comctl32.dll]
    :7175276F [comctl32.dll]
    :77E3A420 [user32.dll]
    :77E16B41 [user32.dll]
    :77E16B64 [user32.dll]
    :0045402D [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Controls.pas, line 5755)
    :0045084E [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 4227)
    :00453EFF [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 5731)
    :77E1A366 [user32.dll]
    :1006CF7C [nview.dll]
    :77E31E4F [user32.dll]
    :77E3D935 [user32.dll]
    :77E155B0 [user32.dll]
    :77E155C0 [user32.dll]
    :77F9FF57 [ntdll.dll]
    :77E1A42D [user32.dll]
    :0041862F [PICED.exe] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Classes.pas, line 2125)
    :77E1A366 [user32.dll]
    :1006D37A [nview.dll]
    :77E31E4F [user32.dll]
    :77E3D995 [user32.dll]
    :77E155B0 [user32.dll]
    :77E155C0 [user32.dll]
    :77F9FF57 [ntdll.dll]
    :77E163E1 [user32.dll]
    :77E168C4 [user32.dll]
    :0048F579 [PICED.exe] Comctrls.TCustomTabControl.SetTabIndex (comctrls.pas, line 3951)
    :00490C36 [PICED.exe] Comctrls.TPageControl.SetActivePage (comctrls.pas, line 4638)
    :0091BF1C [PICED.exe] Prop.TPropForm.FormShow (prop.pas, line 1117)
    :77E3D995 [user32.dll]
    :0046C4EF [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.DoShow (Forms.pas, line 2829)
    :0046FDB5 [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.CMShowingChanged (Forms.pas, line 4330)
    :004702AA [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.CMShowingChanged (Forms.pas, line 4435)
    :004702C7 [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.CMShowingChanged (Forms.pas, line 4435)
    :00403F2C [PICED.exe] System.TObject.Dispatch (system.pas, line 3896)
    :0045084E [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 4227)
    :00453EFF [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 5731)
    :77E1A453 [user32.dll]
    :0041862F [PICED.exe] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Classes.pas, line 2125)
    :77E1A366 [user32.dll]
    :1006D37A [nview.dll]
    :77E31E4F [user32.dll]
    :77E3D995 [user32.dll]
    :77E174D4 [user32.dll]
    :77E174E4 [user32.dll]
    :0046CD6B [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Forms.pas, line 3063)
    Recursive call (2 times):
    :004505D1 [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.Perform (Controls.pas, line 4152)
    :004538C9 [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.UpdateShowing (Controls.pas, line 5568)
    :0045394D [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.UpdateControlState (Controls.pas, line 5586)
    :0045627E [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.CMVisibleChanged (Controls.pas, line 6732)
    :0045084E [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 4227)
    :00453EFF [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 5731)
    :00473231 [PICED.exe] Forms.TApplication.DoNormalizeTopMosts (Forms.pas, line 6161)
    :0047326D [PICED.exe] Forms.TApplication.NormalizeAllTopMosts (Forms.pas, line 6176)
    :77E1A366 [user32.dll]
    :1006D37A [nview.dll]
    :77F82A06 [ntdll.dll]
    :77F81F55 [ntdll.dll]
    :77FCC71E [ntdll.dll]
    :77E155C0 [user32.dll]
    :77E15DA2 [user32.dll]
    :0046CD6B [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Forms.pas, line 3063)
    :004718EA [PICED.exe] Forms.TScreen.GetMonitor (Forms.pas, line 5379)
    :004505D1 [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.Perform (Controls.pas, line 4152)
    :0044EE35 [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.SetVisible (Controls.pas, line 3401)
    :0046C832 [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.SetVisible (Forms.pas, line 2926)
    :00470625 [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.Show (Forms.pas, line 4644)
    :004707EB [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Forms.pas, line 4687)
    :0047095F [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Forms.pas, line 4714)
    :0047097F [PICED.exe] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Forms.pas, line 4714)
    :0088341E [PICED.exe] Main.TMainForm.ActionEditComponentPropExecute (MAIN.PAS, line 6526)
    :00423D9C [PICED.exe] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute (Classes.pas, line 8077)
    :0045D5D6 [PICED.exe] Actnlist.TContainedAction.Execute
    :0045DE8B [PICED.exe] Actnlist.TCustomAction.Execute
    :0087E02B [PICED.exe] Main.TMainForm.FormDblClick (MAIN.PAS, line 5068)
    :00450AA7 [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.DblClick (Controls.pas, line 4293)
    :00450C1B [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonDblClk (Controls.pas, line 4330)
    :0045084E [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 4227)
    :004505D1 [PICED.exe] Controls.TControl.Perform (Controls.pas, line 4152)
    :00453CCF [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Controls.pas, line 5674)
    :00453DEC [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 5702)
    :00453EFF [PICED.exe] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Controls.pas, line 5731)
    :004307EB [PICED.exe] Graphics.TCanvas.SetHandle (Graphics.pas, line 2342)
    :00430579 [PICED.exe] Graphics.TCanvas.Unlock (Graphics.pas, line 2264)

    Main Thread ID = 0000096C, Current Thread ID = 0000096C
    EAX = 0012F038 CS = 001B EIP = 7C59BBF3 Flags = 00000202
    EBX = 02590A34 SS = 0023 ESP = 0012F030 EBP = 0012F088
    ECX = 00000000 DS = 0023 ESI = 0012F0BC FS = 003B
    EDX = 0079721D ES = 0023 EDI = 0012F068 GS = 0000
    Code at CS:EIP
    5F 5E C9 C2 10 00 8B 4C 24 04 A1 F0 A1 5C 7C 89
    01CE331C 01CE18BC 0EEDFADE 00000001 00000000
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 02594A98
    0258210B 000008D8 00403C00 026711BC 0042AF0B
    00000000 01AF2A64 00430579 00000014 00000C79


    Hope this helps some one - and gets fixed for the next release :eek:

    Rolecgroup, May 6, 2005
  2. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    OK - i've sort of figured why its doing this.

    As i have to connected direct to the CTouch, i have to unplug from the PCI - and close down CGate to release COM1, when i do this PICED no longer knows im working with the specific project and consequently is issuing the errors.

    Sooo current way to make it work is - connect to CGate do editing and design, save, unplug, close CGate, initiate direct connection to CGate and upload. Unplug, close PICED, re-open to reinitiate CGate and continue to edit.

    Damn ungraceful way of working !!

    I hope this is a BETA issue or is it always going to be like that for anyone connecting via COM1 direct to CTouch.

    This also really raises the issue of why Toolkit does not recognise the CTouch !!

    Rolecgroup, May 6, 2005
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