Have a two bathrooms which share the same exhaust fan. Scenario. To be able to turn off and back on fan when required, but not when someone else is using other bathroom. Equipment used I mechanical fan connected to the cbus relay output 1 X occupancy sensor in each bathroom room with time delay off 1 x 4 button switch in each bathroom Scenario Person enters room A, sensors starts fan unit, person don't won't fan, presses "off" button, fan switches off, unit times out for the off-cycle time before reseting either via the sensor off period or the manual pushing of another button called the "on" button, fan then runs for duration of on cycle. This works great. Now another person enters the other bathroom room B and needs to have fan on. problem is its already received signal to be off by next door bathroom Room A. We have to get it back on, this guys gunna stink the joint out. What do I need. I need some smart guru programming. something like this . If off buton in room A is pressed, and fan is off. and If person enters room B, room sensor B starts Fan unit again to on. and this would be VISA VERSA Can someone advise best way of progamming this in. Other than buying another fan which would be a toatl waste of money. any ideas? Cheers John