I use the PulseCBusLevel procedure a whole lot more than any other procedure in my logic (PAC). It is a neat packed procedure. I mainly use it in conjunction with PIRs in main living areas to provide automatic lighting control. The rooms have dimmers and I use the ramp rate and (New)level based on time of day (night) and it all works pretty well, Thanks CIS. I usually set a higher ramp rate because if a person walks into any of this areas and they ends up inactive for longer than the duration of the PulseCBusLevel procedure, the lights would start dimming slowly giving them enough time to either switch the lights [B]ON[/B] manually on a keypad or do an activity that will re-trigger the PIR. The [B][COLOR="Blue"]catch[/COLOR][/B] here of course is that when you walk into this room initially, it would take a bit longer for the lights to get to an appropriate level. So I was wondering, would CIS consider either allowing an optional argument or adding a separate procedure that would allow two ramp rates? One RampRate to get to the NewLevel, and another to get to the FinalLevel?