Lols, [USER=590]@Ashley[/USER]. Python is a weapon. Like LUA, in the wrong hands it... bights. Soz to disagree, and I'm not getting all trollie here, but want to share and educate. This forum isn't like like Reddit, but we are a teensy bit waay off-topic re. ramping. so I feel dirty. C++ [I]associativity[/I] is left to right, and logical and (&&) has higher [I]precedence[/I] than logical or (||), so the associativity sticks with the higher precedence. Consider: ++i || ++j && ++k gets grouped as... (++i) || (++j && ++k) Left to right, yes, but considering precedence plus associativity, hence the grouping. Both associativity and precedence must be considered hand-in-hand. LUA is very similar. As the manual says, use parentheses when in doubt. [URL][/URL]. 'And' is before 'or' in precendence, with left association. Same as C/C++/SQL/Basic/Fortran/Pascal/COBOL/PL/1... (except APL) C++ programmer for many more years than I deserve, smacking my head into stack and memory leak issues. (And yes, I was also a COBOL and PL/1 programmer. That old.) And now I deserve LUA??? Yeah, nah. Python day job for the win. I get to play with toys all day now. At a bank.