I recently moved all my logic and schedules from HomeGate (where things were fine) to my PAC as this would remove the dependence on the PC for scenes, schedules etc. When I transferred I selected the option to update the PAC time to the PC time. Since moving from HomeGate to PAC all schedules have been running at the wrong time. Clearly the time in the PAC was not the 'real time', despite asking to set it to PC time... So given I also have a DLT and a B&W Touch I set the time via the DLT (which as expected update the touch). Problem was next morning the time was 2.5 hours slow... So set the time via the touch and it updated the DLT as expected. Same thing next morning. C-gate messages on the PC have the correct time, so C-gate is ok. Any thoughts what would be causing the time to change? What have a I missed?