Replace old dimmer with 5508D1D - WHAT SOFTWARE to use

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by UK Household Automation, Mar 24, 2025 at 11:56 AM.

  1. UK Household Automation

    UK Household Automation

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I have a customer with an old CBUS system with a faulty dimmer
    I have a new CBUS 5508D1D to replace the faulty unit.

    I have bench tested the new unit using toolkit 1.17.0 and it appeared to accept the program and the addresses, I rigged up a temp switch and could control the channel.

    I'm a little concerned about the crossover of software - we have
    - (new) SpaceLogic C-Bus Toolkit Software ( latest version I can see is 1.17.4)
    - (old) C-Bus Toolkit Software

    So 90% of our customers have existing (old) CBUS systems

    Is it OK to use the (new) Spacelogic C-Bus Toolkit Software - IS THIS SOFTWARE FULLY BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE ?

    When replacing a single dimmer in an old CBUS system is it still OK to use the (old) toolkit software to commission the new dimmer into the old system ?

    I'm hoping that the Spacelogic CBUS toolkit and the CBUS toolkit are one of the same, but I did hear rumors that the Spacelogic was not a simple free issue and only available to registered installers !
    UK Household Automation, Mar 24, 2025 at 11:56 AM
  2. UK Household Automation


    Mar 24, 2010
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    Sunshine Coast, Australia
    The latest version of toolkit is v 1.18.1 and available on the schneider website. The best way to find the software download URL is, use the link in the "Welcome to C-Bus" projects home page in Toolkit.

    Your question has a complex answer, but I'll keep it short.

    Yes, you can use the new toolkit software on older systems and continue to do so into the forseeable future.

    If you upgrade to Toolkit v1.18.1, you will no longer be able to programme the new dimmers, and relays. You will be forced to use the new Space Logic Comission software package to programme these units. Moving forward, all C-Bus equipment, new and old will be programmed via this software. But, unfortunately (as on March 2025) the software is unfinished and only works with the new dimmers, relays, new space logic switches. So you will have to use both software packages to programme a C-Bus system. Marvellous eh...
    There are now tutorials online to use this new software.

    The knowlege required to programme a C-Bus system is becoming a steeper learning curve, and there's tons of bugs and undocumented issues to look out for. Clipsal have really dropped the ball and are yet to realise how far behind they are becoming. Major companies are leaving the brand and I doubt will return by the time they have everything sorted.

    Whilst this is the case, they are investing a lot of time and money to improve things. I believe in the product and still believe that the final outcome for the client is the best solution.
    noyzey, Mar 24, 2025 at 11:17 PM
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