Ricoman\Centorio downlights tripping channel type C MCB

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Insp.Gadget, Jun 13, 2023.

  1. Insp.Gadget


    Dec 30, 2018
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    Thanks for all the info Ashleigh! Should I put it back on the dimmer and not allow dimming of the circuit do you reckon? Wasn’t sure if the ramp up would end up damaging the lights?
    Insp.Gadget, Jun 21, 2023
  2. Insp.Gadget

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Sorry mate, been on holiday and only just seen your reply.

    I really can't advise.

    It's on your head... but...

    If you put it on a dimmer channel and set the min level to big, so basically no dimming, then check the driver and see if it seems to be running hot (stick your hand on the case).

    If not running hot, then leave it.

    If running hot, then don't leave it. Shout at your cheap n nasty LED product supplier. Running hot is bad. Fire hazard.

    Rule of thumb: if you can hold a hand on something but it hurtz, and you can hold it there, then that's 50 to 60 degrees C (perhaps a bit less). If you need to take the hand away after about 10-20 seconds then that's about 60 degrees C. And if you can't even put a finger on the thing then why am I even explaining this.

    Now all-in-one LED lamps can run pretty hot because of LED heat + driver heat, in which case, hot is hot and that's normal.

    Really, you want to compare relay + dimmer operation. If the dimmer operation is measurably or noticeably hotter than relay operation then it's probably a Bad Move.

    As usual - this advice cost 0 and that's what it's worth. Do your own research. Work it out. If your house burns down, don't come after me. Shout at your lamp supplier. Ask for better lamps. Tell them their products are rubbish. We all want world peace and every young girl to have a pet unicorn.
    ashleigh, Jun 28, 2023
  3. Insp.Gadget


    Dec 30, 2018
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    No problem, appreciate the response. I sense you’re not an LED fan :D These are pretty much the most expensive LED’s I’ve seen for the residential market at approaching £30 a pop, so it’s surprising they haven’t got the electronics in them to prevent/deal with such a large inrush current. In any case, I triple checked all the wiring and then increased the breaker to 6A and there’s been no problems since.
    I’m half way through changing all the wiring boxes to wagos as the ones they supplied were spring terminal but I had no confidence in them!
    I’ll leave it on the relay for now as the channel was spare anyway.
    Thanks all for sharing your advice and knowledge :)

    PS we were all due to get unicorns (golden ones) if Labour got into power but that didn’t happen.
    Insp.Gadget, Jun 28, 2023
  4. Insp.Gadget

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    I am a LED fan actually - house full of them.

    I have decent LED downlights and LED bulbs. The decent LED downlights use drivers from my own company, and they are not cheap. I'm not supposed to toot my own horn about my companies drivers on this forum.

    I'm not a fan of the race to the bottom, during which LED lighting has got very cheap but sadly also very very nasty.

    Good dimmable lamps that dim properly without flickering, and go down low, and don't flash when off, and work on any old dimmers - well, that's pretty much where the unicorn comment originates. My companies LED drivers do that, and are only sold through some very premium suppliers because they are not cheap. Good != cheap.

    Trouble with this business is, everyone wants cheap and is prepared to grumble when they pay cheap and get cheap performance to go with it.
    ashleigh, Jul 1, 2023
    Damaxx likes this.
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