I've just been playing with running C-Gate (v2.8.0/2316) as a service on Windows Server 2008 32-Bit, and since I seem to have it working I thought it might be useful to someone else (I know there are other ways to do this). I'm using JSLWin (free/open source) from here: http://jslwin.sourceforge.net/ The setup is simple, and should work on pretty much any version of Windows: Copy jsl.exe and jsl.ini into C:\Clipsal\C-Gate2 Configure jsl.ini Test by running jsl -debug from C:\Clipsal\C-Gate2 Install by running jsl -install Start service as normal (eg via Control Panel or "net start C-Gate") The only bit that threw me to start with was the configuring of jsl.ini so mine is attached. (I renamed it as .txt as the forum won't allow .ini attachements.) If you want you can rename both files to something "better" (I have mine as jsl-cgate.exe and jsl-cgate.ini), as long as they "match". Note that it's only had about 10 mins of "testing" so far, so use at your own risk, etc.
Thanks for sharing! This has also come up in the past: http://www.cbusforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3355 http://www.cbusforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1544
Indeed it has, and I've played with XYNTService, for example, before. For various reasons I decided to take a fresh look at this, and the method above seems "cleaner" than some of the alternatives (at least from my attempts) so I thought I'd add it to the pot of combined wisdom
Just noticed: In the jsl.ini I attached above, the line that starts C-Gate includes: Code: -Xmx180m .. which I needed for my site to allocate memory to C-Gate but probably isn't needed for most people and can be removed.