Saturn 4 Gang

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Dak, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Dak


    Aug 12, 2005
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    Just wondering if anybody has had this experience. Cbus network has been running for a few months now.

    Everything has been fine, but I noticed the other day that one of my 4 Gang Saturn switches no longer functioned. I'll clarify that, as it seems only not to be able to invoke a response on the Cbus network.

    In toolkit, I can ping it, I can see that it has 26 Volts, I can see that all the buttons are setup to do as they are supposed to. If I select the "nightlight" option in toolkit, the led on the saturn reflects this change. Also if I switch the Group Address on from another switch the faulty saturn switch registers that the group address is on (because the appropriate button led lights up on the faulty switch). But if I press the faulty switches button - nothing happens, the led doesnt come on, nor does the group address turn on. I also cant see anything in the application log when I press the button.

    Any ideas?

    I think i'm running a mix of firmware 1.5 and 1.6 saturn switches if that makes any difference and the faulty switch is 1.5.
    Dak, Jun 29, 2006
  2. Dak


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Check the Blocks tab in Toolkit to make sure that all keys are still actually linked to their respective group addresses. Also make sure that the key functions aren't set to idle. If either is true then you would observe the behaviour you're describing.

    Make sure that the switch isn't distorted or buckled in the wall. Check this by backing off the mounting screws and test again. If the grid plate is distorted then it may prevent the key rockers from actually pressing the switches inside the unit. You should hear a definite click when you press the button.

    As a last resort try cycling the power to the switch. It's possible that a freakish burst of EMI has upset it somehow. If this all fails then it sounds like it would be worth returning.

    Thanks for accurately describing the behaviour. The standard line of "it doesn't work" doesn't help anyone too much.
    Newman, Jun 30, 2006
  3. Dak


    Aug 12, 2005
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    Thanks Newman for the reply.

    Something simple, but I havent checked it, will do so when i get home.

    This I did check, I actually had the switch "hanging" out of the wall, so had it in my hand and was able to make sure the switch was actually "clicking".

    Have cycled power also, will make sure everything is OK as far as the toolkit is concerned, and failing that its back to the electrical wholesaler.

    Dak, Jun 30, 2006
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