Duncan submitted a new resource: [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/scanning-your-first-network.29/][plain]Scanning your first Network[/plain][/url] - [plain]Scanning your first Network[/plain] [quote]Here's a quick intro to scanning your first Network with the C-Bus Toolkit. Its pretty straight forward, we're going to assume you're using a PCI (serial interface to C-Bus) to get access to the C-Bus Network and that you know which COM Port the PCI is attached to. First, start the software up. You'll see this: [ATTACH=full]2191[/ATTACH] You need to let the C-Bus Toolkit know which COM Port your PCI is connected to. You do this by selecting "Set Default Interface" from the "File" menu....[/quote] [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/scanning-your-first-network.29/]Read more about this resource...[/url]