Hi all, I'm been scratching my head for several days now on this so please help Okay I had a script that has been working 100% and then the system was taken down (litereally) and rebuilt. The script now receives data via serial ports but does not write anything? Has there been changes to the software (currently running most recent versions as of today)? INFO:- Latest software versions of Toolkit and PICED Running latest PAC firmware (unit is about 2 years old). Basic testing script to see what is going on (but doesn't seem to output serial:- Global Vars ------------ PortIn : string; Init ----- OpenSerial(1, 1, 9600, 8, 1, 0, 0); Modules -serial Test ---------------------- ReadSerial(1, PortIn, ''); delay(0.2); {nothing fancy reads everything} if PortIn ='Hello' then begin SetLightingState("Room Light", ON); WriteSerial(1, 'I SEE YOU'); Delay(1); end; if PortIn ='bye' then begin SetLightingState("Room Light", OFF); WriteSerial(1,'See ya'); delay(2); SetLightingState("Room Light", ON); end; ------------------------- Using a terminal program I can manually type in "Hello" and "bye" and send it to the PAC and it does what the logic tells it to do, but in the recieve window no data is being received? I've used the Log utility (with serial msgs) again nothing shown. If you can help me out I appreciate it Cheers Fliposide.
Sounds strange. It is possible that the PAC serial driver hardware has been damaged. Older units were not very tolerant of being short circuited. The only way to know would be to substitute in a different unit.
hmmm... That was the only conclusion I had left. Is it possible to have 2 PAC's on the same network? If so, I could use the damaged one to receive data and the new one to transmit? That might help me out by attaching it to multiple 3rd party devices (I require 3 connections, one device sends only, one receives only and the other needs send & receive). Cheers Fliposide.