SpaceLogic C-Bus Commission 2.8.0 and Toolkit 1.18.0 Release

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Colin, Nov 5, 2023.

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  1. Colin

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    New Versions of Commision Tools for C-Bus are now available.
    Spacelogic C-Bus Commission V2.8.0 "SLCC" for short is the tool required for Programming of all the latest C-Bus products released. (see product listing below)
    C-Bus Toolkit V1.18.0 Tool required for maintaining and commissioning of the existing C-Bus products Not listed against SLCC.

    **Notice (Please Read) Changes in the C-Gate 3 server software, packaged with both SLCC and Toolkit requires Both commissioning tools to be updated to these versions or later. The Instlation of Older Toolkit versions less than 1.18.0 and older SLCC packages less than 2.8.0 will result in incompatible dependencies between the software packages. Please ensure both Toolkit 1.18.0 and Spacelogic C-Bus Commission 2.6.0 are installed together.

    **Notice (Please Read)
    Due to changes in regulations you will now be required to register and login to Schneider Services in order to download software. registration is open to all, but if you have issues to access the software please contact Customer Support

    Spacelogic C-Bus Commission V2.8.0 Supported Products:

    New C-Bus Digital Dimmers: SLCC now support channel mode confirmation.
    5508D1D - 8 Channel Dimmer 110v - 240v, 1 A, SLCC supports conversion of Old 8 Channel Dimmer to New.
    5504D2D - 4 Channel Dimmer 110v - 240v, 2 A, SLCC supports conversion of Old 4 Channel Dimmers to New.

    New C-Bus Voltage Free Relays: Supports conversion of Old C-Bus Relays to New models
    5504RVF: 4 Channel, 8 Module Relay, 110v - 240v, SPL400 (LED), 10Amp Inductive, 16Amp Fluorescent , 5Amp Motor
    5508RVF: 8 Channel 8 Module Relay, 110v - 240v, SPL400 (LED), 10Amp Inductive, 16Amp Fluorescent , 5Amp Motor
    5516RVF: 16 Channel, 12 Module Relay ,110v - 240v, SPL400 (LED), 10Amp Inductive, 16Amp Fluorescent , 5Amp Motor

    New C-Bus Saturn and Saturn Zen Key Input Units.
    SLCC support new key input unit features including Temperature and Humidity sensing functions, Profiles, Sequences and Indicator RGB controls, plus all the normal key functions .

    Saturn Commercial references are 508xyy Where x = Number of keys 2,4,6 and yy = Facia Colour. 680,GF,J80,PW
    Saturn Zen Commercial references are 504xyy Where x = Number of keys 1,2,3,4 and yy = Facia Colour. ZW, ZB

    C-Bus DALI 2 Gateway: Use SLCC for commissioning both C-Bus and DALI ECG devices, over any C-Bus Network connection, Includes new functions for control over DT8 Colour Temperature and Colour RGB Control from C-Bus.
    5502CDGP230: C-Bus to DALI-2 Gateway, 2 Dali Lines, With 230ma DALI Power supply.

    C-Bus Automation Controllers V2: Use SLCC to Define and load the C-Bus Automation Controllers with all C-Bus Networks and Application Data (Tag Maps) as well as define all objects to be controlled by the Automation Controller from within SLCC. You can also Pull C-Bus Network and Application Data from the Automation controllers to update into your C-Bus SLCC Project, Includes all C-Bus applications, for Lighting, Trigger, Measurement, Error, Emergency and Exit Lighting(requires 5502CDGP230 C-Bus to DALI-2 Gateway and for 5500NAC2 only) . This Function replaces the deprecated CGL Import Features of Toolkit. and requires Version 1.18.0 or later Firmware in the Controller.

    5500NAC2: C-Bus Network Automation Controller
    5500AC2: C-Bus Application Controller.

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2025
    Colin, Nov 5, 2023
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