SpaceLogic DALI-2 (5502CDGP230) and DT6/DT8

Discussion in 'C-Bus Automation Controllers' started by Timbo, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. Timbo


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Perth, Australia
    Hi Everyone,

    This post is 50% DALI forum, 50% controller!
    Doing an install which contains a fair few DALI DT8 drivers, and we're swapping one of our 5502DAL's over to the newer 5502CDGP230. Wondering how the newer multiple channel devices are handled from a GA/object point of view on a SHAC/NAC2?
    Previously I've specified and sourced Lunatone drivers as they play nicely being able to operate in a two-ballast mode with brightness and hue.
    Just wanted a heads-up as to how RGBW values are handled with the new DALI-2 gateway and the 'single channel' GA architecture we have used since day dot.

    Have had a quick look at the new commissioning tool, but without a unit in my hands, I'm not easily able to work out what to do.


    Timbo, Nov 1, 2023
  2. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    HI Tim

    Currently the new 5502CDGP230 Gateway does not treat a true DALI -2 DT8 device any differently than a DT6, in that it still only provides the basic Short address, Group Address (DALI GA) and Broadcast Address to assigned to a C-Bus Group. and Scene Mappings

    The New controller is a little more flexible with the C-Bus to DALI Mapping rules, in allowing Cross line mapping with a common C-Bus group, it also allows Group mapping to address scenes. but that is not overly relevant to your post.

    With regards to the Multi Channel single device units the 5502CDGP230 will (with the assumption that the deices has an addressing per channel) see these as individual items and address them accordingly, We do however allow in the software for you to add from the library to your project a Multi Channel device, Doing this will allow you to keep each channel grouped together under one device in your project, and as long as you reconcile each short address with the right item in the project this relationship will be maintained.

    Because we support this library in software you can see what can be done without physical devices, by adding a 5502CDGP230 to your project, This will then present the DALI Lines in the Network explorer level within the C-Bus network that you added the DALI Gateway.

    Selecting the C-Bus units will show you the C-Bus DALI Gateway and let you configure the devices properties including mapping to DALI Groups, DALI Virtual Groups and Broadcast as well as configure any Global unit behavior . Note you can not do C-Bus to DALI Short Address in this view as you have no reference of the DALI Device yet.

    Selecting one of the DALI Lines will then give you the project view of the DALI line, and the Library will changed from C-Bus devices to DALI Devices.

    You may Add DALI Devices from the library, one at a time, or use the Multi Add and create a shopping list , of multiple units. name them and define there Short Address and then add them to your project all at once, (this is the fast way)
    Once added to your project, you can then select any of the DALI devices and start to define both the C-Bus Mapping if any to the DALI Device as well as configure the DALI device for DALI Group Membership, scenes, Min and MAX behaviors etc.

    you can do all that without the products, and then when you have the products you may then scan, unravel the DALI line, and use any of the methods to identify the devices and reconcile with your project, once that's done you can then transfer your project to the devices.

    SO you should be able to get an idea of what you can do early on.

    IF you are planning to control RGBW using unique C-Bus Mappings to each Short Address of the 4 Channels (the good old way) then as long as your DALI device declares itself as 4 channels then this will be possible)

    We have plans to add DT8 support for direct control over Tunable White and RGBW in the future with firmware updates only to the 5502CDGP230 unit. but currently its not available.
    Colin, Nov 1, 2023
    Timbo likes this.
  3. Timbo


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Perth, Australia
    Appreciate the comprehensive reply Colin! A nice resource article hopefully others will easily stumble upon.
    Sadly, from what you are saying - it looks like the DT8 RGBW drivers are yet to be supported. We will therefore need to go back to the drawing board and source address-hungry drivers which expose 4x separate short addresses.

    I'm still extremely curious how DT8 devices will work in C-Bus land, I'm guessing there will be some new linking or bonding mechanism for 2-4 consecutive GA's? Or maybe some other secret-sauce....

    Timbo, Nov 10, 2023
  4. Timbo


    Apr 8, 2018
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    It's a shame the full control of DT8 Colour Control DALI Drivers for RGBW & Tuneable white drivers is taking so long with CBus. It seems Schneider/Clipsal has focused more on Emergency Lighting Control/Testing via the DALI2 on CBus. I have had completed projects recently and have one currently in progress with RGBW LED where we had to use the DT6 Drivers which chews up the DALI Short Addresses.

    Hopefully the full control of DT8 on the 5502CDGP230 comes very soon.
    Northy, Nov 11, 2023
  5. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    I can only keep apologising for the delay to DT8, of course there is a story behind it all, and i expect no one to accept any reasons, it should just be there already .

    I will state that the final solution will be supporting of only the most current DALI 2 standard for DT8 Color Temperature and Color options, which I believe are all settled now.

    As for how we will do it, For Tunable White we will certainly have some simplistic conversion of Lighting groups, to support backwards compatible solutions with old C-Bus products, but yes there is also some secret sauce coming, there is plenty of room in C-Bus to Evolve.

    As for the comment from Northey on efforts to Emergency and Exit Lighting, that capability was no a overly complex part of work for the DALI Gateway Development, it is mostly a feature of the Network Automation Controller, so it did not take attention from DT8

    As we are on the topic of DT8 and more specifically RGBW , Perhaps this is a good place to start gathering some ideas,

    IF you feel confutable sharing, what kind of functions would you like to see possible for C-Bus when using / controlling RGBW loads and also Tunable White Loads.

    Example DO you require the End User to be able to operate and select colours on the go.
    or is setting Colours as part of a scene, perhaps on a time schedule required.

    Is fading between colours required.

    Is dimming of a colour setting required.

    Its probably a good time to have your say
    Colin, Nov 11, 2023
  6. Timbo


    Aug 12, 2023
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    Happy to add our desired DT8 tunable white situation. We're not planning any RBGW at this stage, but we're still at the early stages of our C-Bus installation, and lighting is, ironically, one of the later things we're doing. We're a sample size of 1 and are end-users (but technically savvy and DIYers) not installers, so perhaps not as representative as installers who get to see a broad range of customers and what they want.

    We're primarily after time of day based setting. We typically want 5000k during the day throughout the house, but as day transitions into evening shift towards 3000k. We use Hue downlights and strips in some rooms to do this currently. Overriding tunable white from an input device feels like it should be doable - out current setup allows that, so would be a step backwards to lose the ability to manually set colour temperature and be locked into pre-programmed settings.

    Dimming at any colour is required. The DT8 drivers we're looking at support colour change without changing lumen output, and dimming without changing temperature.

    IF we ended up putting any RGBW in, then being able to choose colours directly as well as program via scenes would be desirable. We currently have that with Hue. While we (the adults) use Hue 99% for tunable white as described above, the kids get a kick out of the RBGW aspect and like to play with it. More a novelty than anything else though.

    Fading between colours would be expected, since Hue etc do that currently. Wouldn't want to have abrupt step changes, would feel a bit clunky I think, and again, a regression from current "lower tier" automation.
    shimms, Nov 11, 2023
  7. Timbo


    Apr 8, 2018
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    I agree with the functions which shimms has suggested.

    Most of my installations are in the Hospitality Industry in Pubs and Hotels which have a high staff turn over so I try and keep the controls as simple as possible. Having a colour pallet widget similar to existing smart light apps, but also able to keep the individual sliders so the fine adjustment of of RGB can be achieved to get to the particular colour.
    Northy, Nov 13, 2023
  8. Timbo

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Question, From what kind of devices do you see your customer adjusting these items, and from these items what degree of adjustment or modification. would they do

    I will start the Short List

    Mobile Devices (small Screen), Scenes, Color Palats,
    Tablets & Touch Screens, ( Wall Mounted) Scenes, Sliders, Color Palats, Schedules, ??
    EDLT's (room control devices with lcd screen) ?
    Wall Plates with push button or rocker button and led indication, Scene control, ?
    Colin, Nov 17, 2023
  9. Timbo


    Dec 28, 2019
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    I'm also keen for this and would replace my old DALI interface once it's released...

    For me, the priority would have to be to have RGB control via the SHAC (which would naturally flow to Tablet, Mobile Device and PC control). Any wall plates would be limited to triggering a preset scene with the RGB/CT predefined. CT control via the eDLT would be cool, but I see this more as a 'feature' then a practical requirement (Unless Schneider release a touchscreen version of the eDLT... which would be a bit of a game changer!).
    Ks04, Nov 17, 2023
  10. Timbo


    Apr 8, 2018
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    Hi Colin.

    The majority of the installations we do the operation of the CBus is via the Application Controller is through a large Tablet either a iPad or a Windows based Tablet depending on the client. Previously it was via B&W or Colour Touch Screens. We don't really use any of the small mobile devices like phones. The only other controls we install are a couple of EDLT's in certain locations which allow for manual triggering of the Scenes (which are stored in the Application Controller) and some localised control of the lights so if the WIFI goes down the client/staff can still have some control. If schedules are enabled they trigger the scenes only.

    On the Tablet I would expect full control of the Colour and Brightness similar to existing HUE Lights and Apps on the market as this is what clients would compare to and expect the same from the CBus. I'm not fussed if the colour control is via a colour palate or via a slider similar to the images below, though I do like the idea of the slider over the circle. The minimum control on the EDLT or any switches would be On/Off & Dim but if colour control is possible on a 2nd button that maybe beneficial in some situations.

    Colour and brightness will need to be included as part of the scenes. One venue I look after use RGB LED uses Pink and Orange in the scenes and another venue uses RGBW LED, and uses Amber, Sky Blue, Purple during hours depending in the scene and Warm White for Cleaning which are included in the scenes. The drivers for these are DT6 and have separate sliders for each colour.

    Example images and links below.
    Northy, Nov 19, 2023
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