Switching between Applications

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Anand, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Anand


    Dec 21, 2006
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    I was wondering what would really happen if I switch between application address.
    Say for example I take a relay and give it a Trigger Application or I take a 12 channel dimmer and assign it as enable control , same as the C-Bus lock enable.

    Would these situations actually cause a problem in small installations with say no 'smart' devices like Touch Screens or PAC etc...? Naturally assuming that all the GAs are appropriatly assigned.

    I mean as far as I can tell Application is just a form of address which gets fixed as a header on C-Bus data.

    Yes I know its not good practice but if I was really in a fix would it just be a minor irritation or an imminent total system collapse :eek: ?
    Anand, Dec 21, 2006
  2. Anand


    Jul 23, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    What's the problem you're trying to solve exactly?
    Duncan, Dec 21, 2006
  3. Anand


    Dec 21, 2006
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    Basically what I wanted to ask is whether it is alright to use non -Lighting application address like 'Trigger' or 'Enable' as the primary application for output units and other .
    This also includes input devices like switches which have scenes stored in them and are triggered by trigger application. Could we put the application address of the unit itself as ' trigger' ??
    Anand, Dec 21, 2006
  4. Anand

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Don't do it.

    There is no guarantee of correct operation, and even less as time proceeds.
    ashleigh, Dec 21, 2006
  5. Anand


    Jul 23, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    You're going about this question the wrong way..

    WHY do you want to do it, what problem are you trying to solve by doing it? There are mechanisms for triggering scenes even if the Input Unit isnt in the Trigger Control application.
    Duncan, Dec 21, 2006
  6. Anand


    Dec 21, 2006
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    Say for example we have a very simple installation with the following components.
    A sensor, a switch and a 4 channel relay.

    The sensor triggers scenes stored in the switch.
    The first 3 buttons of the switch are also used to trigger the scenes.

    The problem would arise if I needed to use the 4th button to disable the sensor. Since I have to use the enable application to do that, it would mean that I would have to set the application address of the switch to enable as well.
    The problem would get worse if I was using a switch which cant store scenes. That would mean that I would have to change the application address of the relay as well, to control the individual channels through the switch and/or the sensor.

    To avoid all this I know I have to either get another 1 gang switch for disabling the sensor or else forget about it all together.
    It seems like a bit of a waste, getting another switch considering that I have an unused button. Whereas for forgetting about this feature wouldnt be a 'wise' thing to inform the client especially if he demands it.
    Anand, Dec 29, 2006
  7. Anand


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Brisbane, Australia

    You are trying to re-invent the wheel...

    Do you have any other devices (other than C-Bus switches) that are capable of storing scenes? i.e C-Touch, PAC, Homegate, cough ** M!nder **.

    If so just create you scenes in there.

    Are the three scenes controlling the same lights? or are they three completely different scenes controlling other lights?

    If they are controlling the same lights, create a GA in the "trigger" (202) application called "Scenes". Then create action selectors within the GA you just created i.e. 0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = medium etc, 255 = PIR scene.

    Now, within your scenes set the scene triggers for each scene. They will have the same GA for each scene, you just need to set the action selectors / tags to the appropriate levels i.e. low, med, PIR etc.

    You will need to have a "NEO" core switch i.e. NEO, Reflection, Saturn to trigger the scenes. Simply select "Scene" as the button function within the switch Toolkit GUI. Click on the options box directly to the right of the newly selected <Scene> function. Select the "scenes" GA from the drop down box, then select the appropriate action selector for that scene. Change the switch application to "trigger Control".

    For the forth button, just create a GA called "Enable / Disable PIR" in the 'Trigger Control" application and set the button function to "On/Off". Open up the PIR GUI in Toolkit, change the PIR application to "trigger Control". Select the newly created "Enable / Disable PIR" GA in the Sensor Enable / Disable drop down box, then select the Disables radio button to the right of the drop down box.

    Select the "Scenes" GA in the "Day time / Night time movement" drop down box, then set the amount of time you want the scene to last.

    This is just one possible solution, you are not providing enough detailed information for people to respond.

    Do you want each button to turn the scene on and off? etc.

    Anyway I hope this helps.
    PSC, Dec 29, 2006
  8. Anand


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    Yes, I see your problem.. without a PAC or similar you'd be stuck with the hack you've identified.. :(
    Duncan, Dec 29, 2006
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