I'm looking at Level 9 logs trying to determine why a specific group address came on, as I don't think anything should have triggered it. The only events I can see in the log that address it are these: [code]20140408-121611 738 //PROJ/7/56/28 fa203180-a133-1031-a9f5-c700820b1ba3 SyncUpdate: level=255 20140408-121616 738 //PROJ/7/56/28 fa203180-a133-1031-a9f5-c700820b1ba3 SyncUpdate: level=0[/code]What does this tell me, and what else should I look at in the logs to see why this group address (28) came on briefly? It's associated with a fire alarm and triggers a whole load of lights to get latched on so it's quite important I find the cause!