Hi all. I'm having issues with some code that operates perfectly in PICED, but when run on a PAC does not function. The code reads the value of a Monitor that is configured to poll a 5031TS, and based on the reading sets the speed of a small exhaust fan. As mentioned, the code does what it is supposed to do in PICED with logic running and connected to CBus. But from what I can debug, the value of the monitor returns zero on the PAC. I have read on this forum that the use of monitors and GetUnitParameter did not used to be supported on a PAC, and this used to be mentioned specifically in the help file. But the firmware change log for PAC says support was introduced in 3.0 (and a fix in 3.43), so I don't think this is my problem. PICED in use is with firmware 3.43.0 on the PAC. A single monitor is set up to poll the 5031TS at address 30 on network 253 every 60 seconds. The PAC is on network 254. Any insight appreciated. Steve. [CODE]HutchAVMinTemp = 22; HutchAVMaxTemp = 50; HutchAVMinLevel = 50; HutchAVTemp : Real; HutchAVExhaust : Integer; (Module: Environment) { Retrieve Hutch AV cupboard temperature sensor value every 4 minutes and adjust fan acordingly } Delay(240); HutchAVTemp := GetUnitParameter("Hutch", 30, ptTemperature); if not GetUnitParamStatus("Hutch", 30, ptTemperature) then ExitModule; if HutchAVTemp <= HutchAVMinTemp then begin if GetCBusLevel("Hutch","Lighting","Hutch AV Fan") > 0 then SetCBusState("Hutch","Lighting","Hutch AV Fan", OFF); ExitModule; end; { If AV cupboard temperature raised then set exhaust fan speed accordingly } HutchAVExhaust := HutchAVMinLevel + Round((255 - HutchAVMinLevel) * (HutchAVTemp - HutchAVMinTemp) / (HutchAVMaxTemp - HutchAVMinTemp)); if HutchAVExhaust > 255 then HutchAVExhaust := 255; if GetCBusLevel("Hutch","Lighting","Hutch AV Fan") <> HutchAVExhaust then SetCBusLevel("Hutch","Lighting","Hutch AV Fan", HutchAVExhaust, "0s"); (End module) [/CODE]