Timer delay off (Now that's a newbie question)

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Mithril, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. Mithril


    Aug 22, 2004
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    I want a fan to remain on for 15min after turning a light off in a bathroom.
    Fan & light on different addresses.

    How is this done... please!
    Mithril, Aug 22, 2004
  2. Mithril


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Check out the C-Bus Help file....
    If you search for 31VETF, you will find all the answers your looking for.

    Michael, Aug 22, 2004
  3. Mithril


    Aug 3, 2004
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    yes, there is an example in the manuals as well for a run on timer for exactly that.

    Here is the problem that I have come across.

    the example shows a single key input that turn the light and fan on and lets the fan run on for x minutes after a long press (release). This is possible because there is four groups that can be assigned o a single key input.

    Try doing this with a four ket input where you have the other three keys assigned to groups as well. There is just not enough "logic" available to do anything of this nature in a 4 gang key input.


    I have fan, heat1 heat2 and light on a 4 key input. there is also a pir in the room. I want to disable the pir when I turn the light on, but there is no where that I can do this within the key logic as I can only add four groups

    It would be good to see a n+2 groups allocation for a keyswitch so that these sort of features can be accomplished

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2004
    znelbok, Aug 22, 2004
  4. Mithril


    Aug 22, 2004
    Likes Received:
    AH HUH
    My problem exactly.

    I have a 4way switch and the example is not relevant.

    I am sure there must be a work around using a scene or some other equally ingenious method but my miniscule brain is not upto the task!

    Mick A (Original poster)
    Mithril, Aug 23, 2004
  5. Mithril


    Aug 15, 2004
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    There is a number of ways this can be done.
    First of all in the relay both the ga's for the 2 heat lights should use the same ga but with one load with a turn on value of 50% and the second a turn on value of 100%.
    You program the switch with key 1 & 2 both controlling ga 1 with key 1 set as a preset at 50% and key 2 programmed at 100%.
    Both switches can be programmed as a offkey for a long press.
    This will give you half heat with one switch and full heat with the other.
    This will leave you with a spare ga in key 2 which you can tie to the key controlling the light and have your 15 min run on timer.

    As for the light program another ga in the switch and in the logic for the relay add it as an or function.
    Thus the switch will bring on the light overriding the PIR.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2004
    Rossco, Aug 23, 2004
  6. Mithril


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Rossco

    Something for me to try tonight. I knew this was a good place

    znelbok, Aug 23, 2004
  7. Mithril


    Aug 3, 2004
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    I've gotta be missing something

    How do you program the key input to do this?

    The first half is easy, key one set to 50% preset with off on a long press, but I can't work out how to get key2 to control the load with a 100% preset.

    Please explain
    znelbok, Aug 28, 2004
  8. Mithril


    Aug 22, 2004
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    Am i right in thinking that the example also starts a timer from when the button is pressed "on"??

    What i desire is that the fan & light come on together as expected, but then on turning the button "off" (& leaving the bathroom) the fan remains on for x minutes.

    I have the added problem in another WC where the light & fan are on the one circuit. If i program the switch according to the example then the light & fan remain on ad-infinitum.

    Can someone explain what the purpose of the long-press "retrig"

    I presume you can "reset" the timer by pressing the button for a long time?
    Mithril, Aug 29, 2004
  9. Mithril


    Aug 3, 2004
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    The timer is started by the "retrig" command, therefore timing wont happen till the light gets turned off.

    Michael, Aug 29, 2004
  10. Mithril


    Aug 15, 2004
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    In key 2 put a Onkey command in short press and a offkey in the long press, this will give you a 100% level.

    Ross Tangey
    Rossco, Aug 30, 2004
  11. Mithril


    Aug 22, 2004
    Likes Received:
    slow down a bit.

    Lets see

    short press = onkey
    (So each time we press the button it will turn on - doh)

    The example has a long press = retrig which is said to start the timer.

    So to turn the fan off we need to press the button for a "long press"

    I'm not sure about the next post!?
    What functionality is this trying to achieve?

    Also where can i find out about what each of the assignments (retrig,offkey,etc) actually does? & some examples of their use would be real good!

    How about this:
    Is it possible to put the short press as a toggle & still have a long press as a retrig timer.

    Functionality so that a normal press will turn the fan/light off or on but a long press will enable the fan to remain running for x minutes?
    Mithril, Aug 31, 2004
  12. Mithril


    Aug 15, 2004
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    You can put a toggle in the short release and a retrig in the long press, then place a 1 sec time with a expiry command of off in the light and 5 min time with expiry command of off in the fan.
    This will make the light and fan toggle on and off with short press and with a long press turn the light off after 1 second and the fan off after 5 minutes.
    Rossco, Sep 1, 2004
  13. Mithril


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Townsville, Australia
    Here we go:

    C-Bus2 timer functions do the following:

    Many commands have different meanings on ON, OFF or Ramping states, so I will list them three times:

    Commands are listed in ascending priority (see RAMPING state for explanation)

    When in ON state:
    IDLE: do nothing

    STORE1: Store current level of group to RECALL1 memory.

    DNCYCLE:Same as UPKEY if LEVEL is minimum or less, or same as DNKEY if LEVEL is maximum, else alternate DNKEY/UPKEY/DNKEY starting with DNKEY, and reverting to DNKEY after 15 seconds without any ramping activity.

    MEMTOG2: store current level of group to RECALL2 memory, then same as OFFKEY.

    DNKEY: Issue Ramp_to_Level command at Ramp1 rate, final level = 1 and change state to RAMPING

    UPKEY: Issue Ramp_to_Level command at Ramp1 rate, final level = 255 and change state to RAMPING

    RECALL2: Issue Ramp_to_level command at instant rate and final level = recall2 level

    RETRIG: (see below)

    START TIMER (see below)

    RAMPOFF: Same as RCLRAMP except level 0(OFF) is used instead of stored level

    RCLRAMP: Issue Ramp_to_level command at ramp2 rate and final level = recall1 level

    TOGGLE:Same as OFFKEYand transmit OFF command; change to OFF state

    RECALL1: same as RCLRAMP ecxpt ramp rate is instant

    ONKEY:Clear any timers (prevents timer expiry command from issuing)

    ENDRAMP: do nothing.

    OFF:transmit OFF command and change to OFF state.

    When in OFF state:
    IDLE: do nothing

    STORE1: Store current level of group to RECALL1 memory.

    DNCYCLE: Same as UPKEY

    MEMTOG: same as RECALL2

    DNKEY: do nothing

    UPKEY: Issue Ramp_to_Level command at Ramp1 rate, final level = 255 and change state to RAMPING

    RECALL2: Issue Ramp_to_level command at instant rate and final level = recall2 level

    RETRIG: do nothing

    START TIMER: (see below)

    RAMPOFF: Same as RCLRAMP except level 0(OFF) is used instead of stored level NB: RampOFF ALWAYS issues a command, even in the OFF state.

    RCLRAMP: Issue Ramp_to_level command at ramp2 rate and final level = recall1 level unless that level = 0 in which case do nothing.

    TOGGLE: same as ONKEY

    RECALL1: same as RCLRAMP ecxpt ramp rate is instant
    ONKEY:transmit ON command and change to ON state.
    ENDRAMP: do nothing
    OFFKEY: do nothing

    Ramping states:
    Only the following commands are used:

    ENDRAMP: issue Ramp_to_level command ate instant rate, level = internal level of key unit for each group affected. Change to ON State.

    OFFKEY:transmit OFF command and change to OFF state.

    Any command while in RAMPING state will be applied at the end of the ramp in the ON state. Only the highest priority command waiting when the ramp is completed will be acted upon.


    in OFF or ON state: If timer interval is zero, do nothing, otherwise:
    a) If the timer is not active, issue a RAMP_TO_LEVEL command over the network with the internal level of the unit (this level will be 0 if the Group is 'OFF').
    b) initiate the timer with a predetermined interval.


    OFF state: do nothing.
    ON state:
    a) If timer is not active, issue a RAMP_TO_LEVEL command over the network with the internal level of the unit.
    b) initiate the timer with a predetermined interval.

    The timer will be cancelled on any of the following events:

    a) any change of state to OFF.
    b) the receipt of any network commands pertaining to the same Group.
    c) 3 status reports indicating that the network state is 'OFF' when the unit's state is ON.
    d) ONKEY sub-function when the unit's internal state is ON.

    Note: In early C-Bus units, 'START' did the following:
    Group in OFF state: If EEPROM timer interval is zero, do nothing, otherwise initiate a timer with a predetermined interval stored in EEPROM and
    issue a RAMP_TO_LEVEL command over the network with a level of $FF.
    Group in ON state: do nothing.

    1)A one-key DIMMER to be made to turn off after a time interval, by simply using 'START' as the 'just pressed' command
    2)Two groups can be controlled by the same key to turn on, but only one will remain on after a timed interval by setting up the key functions as START/ONKEY/IDLE/IDLE, the KEY selected to affect two groups with the tick-boxes in the GUI, and entering a timeout period of 0h,0m,0s for the group to be left ON, and a timeout interval of choice for the timed group.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2004
    Don, Sep 1, 2004
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