Toggle Scenes with one button?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KAJSER, Aug 16, 2015.



    Aug 16, 2015
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    Hi guys,

    I'm new here, i'm just wondering if its possible to setup the Saturn DLT's to toggle scenes by using just one button, rather than making an On and Off variant.

    Any help would be appreciated
    KAJSER, Aug 16, 2015


    Dec 1, 2005
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    Adelaide, Australia
    Yes you can do it but it's not very intuitive.

    If you are new to scenes read this first: What the heck are scenes anyway

    The action selector can be used to trigger a remote scene. If you set the action selector of the first scene to a value of zero (i.e. OFF) and the action selector of the second scene to a value of 255 (i.e. ON) then you can set a switch up as a toggle switch and it will alternate between the two action selectors and hence the 2 scenes. The trick is that the scene must be stored in another unit to where you want to control it from (i.e. you can't trigger a local scene via and action selector, only a remote scene.

    So create your 2 scenes in another switch (or touch screen or pac) and assign the 2 action selectors. In the switch to control them, set the secondary application the trigger control, then on the key select toggle and the trigger group that the action selectors reside in.

    If you can figure all that out it will work fine.

    Note that you can also get a third scene on the same switch by using the long press function to issue a recall to level command and set the level to the value of the 3rd action selector.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2015
    Ashley, Aug 16, 2015
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