:o Sorry, yet another thread on this topic. I've searched, but haven't found the solution to this specific problem. I'm controlling blinds from a touch screen, using UP and DOWN buttons programmed as toggle timers. Problem scenario is this: [indent][color=purple]The blind is travelling down, and they change their mind and want it to go up. Rather than press DOWN to stop the blind first, they will press UP while it is still moving down. The blind stops. At this point, pressing DOWN will send the blind up, and pressing UP will send the blinds down.[/color] [/indent]I understand why this is happening, but I'm wasting my time explaining that to the user. I figure that if my UP and DOWN buttons were capable of cancelling each other's timers, this wouldn't happen. But even if I could do that, it would mean an instantaneous change in direction, which isn't good for the motors. All this points to logic control. My second thought is to add a STOP button to the screen, which would open both UP & DOWN channels. But I assume this would leave any timers still running... if so I would need it to toggle them off too. So, any solutions to this problem using the existing functionality of the touch screen?