Toolkit 1.3.2 Released

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Duncan, Apr 11, 2006.

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  1. Duncan


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia

    Toolkit 1.3.2 has been released. This is a minor update to Toolkit 1.3.

    You can find the installer here:

    Major New Additions

    1. No major additions

    Things to be aware of (from Toolkit 1.3)
    1. A Database Upgrade Process has been added to Toolkit/CGate which allows us to upgrade your databases (*.xml files in your C:\Clipsal\C-Gate2\tag\ dir). As we ship new versions of Toolkit we will occasionally need to change the format of the underlying XML file. This version includes one such change of the XML Schema, as you open your "old" projects in Toolkit you will be prompted to backup your project and then Toolkit will upgrade your project to the current format.
    2. When Toolkit offers to backup your project before an upgrade you REALLY should agree to do this.
    3. The support for Unit Conversion is quite basic still, we would like feedback on what direction to take this in the future. (see tutorial). Backup your projects before using this feature, at least until you're comfortable with how it works.
    4. Multisensors: You cannot program a scene on Virtual Key number 5
    5. Multisensor: If the Multisensor dialog is opened with Light Level Broadcasting active and the user subsequently makes it inactive, the Timer Expiry Command for that block fails to revert correctly. Selecting the START Timer Expiry Command in the Blocks tab will allow you to reselect an appropriate value.
    6. Wireless: If you are using Dual Application support in Wireless Units then you should ensure that the Application you use as the Secondary Application on any Unit is not set as the Primary Application on a different unit.
    7. If you have a VERY large Database (a *.XML project greater than 5MB) in size then you should start CGate manually with a command line switch that includes "-Xmx110m". ie "java -jar -Xmx110m cgate.jar). Please, contact Technical Support if this applies to you and you're not sure what to do.
    8. When adding a Unit to the Database, a specific Firmware Version of that Unit can now be added. The default Firmware Version presented when you add a Unit is the most appropriate. You should not select a different firmware version unless you know you're getting a unit of a specific firmware version and need to expose certain features in the Database Unit.
    Things we fixed
    1. [Unit : Key4, IR, BC, AUX] Unable to set timers with Timer Popup in blocks tab. - fixed
    2. [Unit : Key4, IR, BC, AUX] Cant Assign Multiple Timers when a key has multiple blocks - fixed
    3. [Unit : DLT] Second Application should allow Trigger Control as an application address - fixed
    4. [General] Exception on attempt to set Group ON using Live Scene Mode - fixed
    5. [General] Cannot Transform SENPIROA,IA,IB to SENPIRSS. - fixed
    6. [Unit Conversion process] Conversion fails when converting DLT firmware 2.1.00 to 1.4.00 - fixed
    7. [Unit Catalog] Some missing firmware versions added for some early DIN Rail Output units (pre-learn). - fixed
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2006
    Duncan, Apr 11, 2006
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