I have been trying to get onto a basic training course for over 2 years. There has always been something stopping me, mainly the cost of the course (0), or the timing. At last I had the funds, and the time right, so I submitted the appropriate forms, did the online course, downloaded all the literature I could, and even downloaded the C-Bus toolkit program ready for the course. I even paid for the course. This all took place on July 28, 2007. I've just been informed that I cannot get into a course until November 2007, and I was only informed of this because I rang them to confirm my position on next month's course. I have just spent the past 3 weeks wiring up an extension ready for C-Bus, and now I won't be able to connect it until November, because I won't be trained to do so! How do you inform a client about this? I have since cancelled my training, as by the time the course was run, the job would have been connected and running (maybe). Maybe I could programme the setup on my own, and maybe I couldn't. I'll never know, as I won't be installing a C-Bus system anymore. :mad: