Two strange problems,help please

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Rommel, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. Rommel


    Nov 14, 2006
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    Hi,All.I'm a jackaroo in C-Bus system,and my mother tongue isn't English.I'm very sorry for my wrong syntax in my post,and I hope I could deliver myself of my problem.

    I have a light project which controlled by C-bus,yesterday,when I've finished distributing the GroupAddress for my relays,PIR(E5750WPL) and 5054(E5054NL),I've found two strange problems in my network.
    My system have four networks and collected by three bridges(5500NB),I named them ''network 1''to"network 4",every network included about 80 units.

    The problem was:

    1,Some of my 5054's LED always coruscate,not all.when I pressed the button which has the problem,corresponding LED turn to orange,but if I press again,the LED ont off but begin coruscating,orange and blue lighted vicissitudinary and the switch couldn't control the lights.This complexion will continue several seconds.Next time I pressed the button,it's appear again.

    2,All my relays(L5504RVPF)which installed in network 3 and network 4 was losing control.ONLY net3 and net4! The complexion was:all the loop in the 5504 was on or off. Pressed the button on 5504,the LED has no feedback.Pulled out the Cat5 cabling from bridge (this cabling connect the local network to bridge) ,the relay's function was in order.Re-collect the Cat5 cabling,the problem has came back! All of my relays use the same setting in Toolkit,but the problems only appeared on net3 and net4.why?

    Any help appreciated.

    E-Mail:[email protected]
    Rommel, Nov 14, 2006
  2. Rommel

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Hi Rommel.

    Your problem with the LEDs on the switches coruscating (flashing) indicates that the switch cannot communicate. This could be a number of things (no clock generators enabled, no network burden, poor connections). The first two you can probably fix by putting the network into learn mode and exiting.

    I don't quite understand what you are describing with the problems with your relays... if the problem is that all the relays come on or stay off when you plug the c-bus cable in to the units, it could be that you have a wiring problem in the cable and the remote overrides are being activated in the relays when they are plugged in. Can you tell us what the "Unit" and "C-Bus" LEDs are displaying when the cable is unplugged and also when it is plugged in?

    NickD, Nov 14, 2006
  3. Rommel


    Nov 14, 2006
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    Nick,thank you for your message.I've ravelled out my second problem,the reason which conduced the problem was RJ45,I've re-installed new RJ45,and network running OK.
    Tomorrow, I will test my lines which connect 5058 to C-bus,I think you are right.
    best regards
    Rommel, Nov 17, 2006
  4. Rommel


    Sep 12, 2006
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    the 1st problem: check the network burden.
    xxj, Nov 29, 2006
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