Unable to get to wiser setup screen

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by Sphinta, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Sphinta

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Can you load the GUI for the CNI in Toolkit and tell us what the serial number and firmware version shown there are?

    NickD, May 4, 2011
  2. Sphinta


    Aug 5, 2004
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    As I don't have the wiser at the moment, here are the details from the tag database. Firmware 5.4.00 serial 001006443086.
    Sphinta, May 4, 2011
  3. Sphinta


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Uhm, you again wrote "a problem talking between the wiser and the CNI". But that's not what I'm saying. You wrote "From IP is shows adress FF and cbus firmware 0.0.00.". That's the CNI you are talking about there and you're saying it shows on its web page that it is saying that the C-Bus firmware it detects is 0.0.00. If at that point you've connected up C-Bus to the CNI and it still shows firmware 0.0.00, then that's a red flag to stop and check on. The Wiser isn't even involved at this point since step 1 is to get the CNI connected to C-Bus. I hope that's clear and will help anyone else reading the forum trying to debug stuff like this.
    kjayakumar, May 5, 2011
  4. Sphinta


    Aug 5, 2004
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    OK, I'll step through this slowly...

    I have a wiser unit connected to a cbus network. I connect to the cbus network using my laptop and a usb cni to scan items on the network. I unravel the items on the network and the wiser cni has address 3. I can go to the wiser cni and change address to 100 and rescan. Low and behold it is now address 100. I change it back to address 3. Check again and see yes it is now address 3. I open up the wiser cni from the toolkit and check its status. Firmware 5.4.00 serial 001006443086. All OK voltage 30.2V. I believe from the above the wiser cni is on the cbus network. The cbus light on the cni is flashing as well. The light goes out when I disconnect the cbus.

    I now take a the usb cni off the cbus network. I connect a lan cable from the laptop to the wiser. I am now on the wiser lan. I go into the wiser setup page and check the wiser is at Next I open the IP utility and scan for cni interfaces. Yes there is one at Check the tpc is at 10001.

    I then go to piced and prepare my basic project, putting in all the addresses, and download to the wiser.

    Now from the lan I go to and get back
    Description: CNI Mk 2
    Project: UNKNOWN
    Part name: NEWUNIT
    C-Bus status: Not responding since 5 minute ago
    Network voltage: Unknown
    IP Address:
    TCP Port: 10001
    Unit Address: 255
    MAC Address: 00:17D:01:08:31
    Serial Number: 010485754095
    C-Bus Firmware: 0.0.00
    Ethernet Firmware: 1.0.0
    Hardware variant: Inline

    The above information from the lan does not match the information the wiser cni gave from the cbus side, which was Firmware 5.4.00 serial 001006443086. All OK voltage 30.2V.

    I see a big red flag when I get 2 different stories from the wiser cni, depending weather I come from the lan or the cbus to integrate it.
    Sphinta, May 5, 2011
  5. Sphinta


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Based on that information it looks to me like the CNI that is attached to the side of the main Wiser unit has an internal fault, and the C-Bus-side of the unit can't communicate with the Ethernet-side.

    When you interrogate the unit from C-Bus you are talking to the C-Bus processer inside the unit. When you interrogate it from the Ethernet side (via the LAN) you are talking to the Ethernet processor. When interrogated from the Ethernet side the unit also tries to retrieve some parameters from the C-Bus processor, such as serial number, unit address, C-Bus voltage and C-Bus firmware version. The fact that these parameters are not being correctly returned, yet you can interrogate the unit via C-Bus, leads me to suggest that the Ethernet and C-Bus halves of the unit (which are electrically isolated from each other) are not communicating.

    I'd suggest you contact tech support and organise a replacement.

    There is no such thing as a USB CNI. I assume you're referring to a USB PC Interface here. It's useful to use the correct terminology in future.
    Newman, May 5, 2011
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