Unit Identification Wizard

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Duncan, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Duncan


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    Hi Lauman.. I copied your message out of this thread and started a new one so we dont lose track of things :)

    OK, this is actually mostly done already, it was going to be part of the first release but it was a little buggy and I canned it until we could make it more reliable.

    Interestingly, Wireless Units and DLT switches have firmware capability that supports this concept.. you can request one of these switches flash its indicators based on a serial number or unit address. This will be easy for the 1.2 release of Toolkit.. Older units that dont have the "Identify Yourself" functionality are a little harder, we have to put them into a special application (The "Identification Application") after first ensuring no other units are already in this application... we then ensure that the keys have a group address assigned, then toggle that group address, the indicators then flash on and off... it works, just needs a little tweaking.

    Output units are a little different as well.. we can't toggle the loads for safety reasons so we have a methodology working whereby the Unit is again put into the Identification Application and we then invoke the Learn mode on that Application which results in the CBus and Unit LED's flashing on the output unit. Neat! :)

    So its coming, it already basically works, just needs a little polishing. Sorry it didnt make it into 1.1 :)
    Duncan, Jan 14, 2005
  2. Duncan


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    Incidentally, the "Application Log" is a great method you can use NOW for identifying units.. make sure every unit is in the same application and they have at least one group address set up.. you can them move around the Installation toggling keys or triggering PIR's, the Application Log will tell you which unit you invoked activity on.. works nicely!
    Duncan, Jan 14, 2005
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