I'm nearing completion of a new build house in the UK that is c-bus enabled for lighting. We've fitted 30 backboxes for light switches but (due to the cost) we're only going to fit Saturn switches to 15 of these points initially so we need blanking plates for the remainder If we'd gone for the square UK style it would have been easy; they cost about 30p each from local suppliers! But we've opted for the Aus/US style - see [url=http://www.cbus-shop.com/product_info.php?cPath=161_36_34&products_id=62]backbox[/url] So my question is: where can we source appropriate blanking plates from? For not too much I assume that something like [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000H5XY74/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=A2IG6WPSXSP0UY]this[/url] is what we need, correct dimensions etc, though that particular supplier does't ship to the UK. Help!