Using a two channel relay for single channel ?

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wireless Hardware' started by KevinH, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. KevinH


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire. UK
    Is there a way to use a two channel relay to just switch one channel when the wiring within the switch back box is just 2 wires ? Live and switched live to Load 1 i.e. no neutral or second load wire.
    I assume you can't just common the outputs but can I perhaps use a suitable X2 capacitor ? I know this would normally be connected to neutral but it's not available.

    KevinH, Jan 31, 2012
  2. KevinH


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia
    You should be able to use a 2 channel relay unit to control just a single load provided the 2nd relay channel never turns on. When both relays are off, the unit gets it's power from channel 1. When channel 1 is on, the unit gets it's power from channel 1. Only when the second relay channel is turned on does the unit need the extra power from channel 2.

    Put another way, if channel 2 turns on and there aren't loads connected to both channels, the unit will run out of power and reset itself over and over again. As an aside, to get it out of this cycle, wait for it to re-start and then turn off the group address associated with channel 2 during the power-up delay, i.e. press the channel 2 button within a few seconds of power-up whilst the second channel indicators are on but the relay is still off.

    You should be able to have the unit operate with only a load on channel 1 provided that you make sure channel 2 is off and then disable channel 2 in Toolkit by assigning it's group address to unused.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2012
    Newman, Jan 31, 2012
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