Version 4.0 Application support for Audio/Video (205)

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by Steve Tester, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. Steve Tester

    Steve Tester

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Just upgraded to Version 4.0 & missed the part about PICED only supporting a limited number of Applications. I have used app 205 Audio/Video as part of a home theater installation & now I'm unable to upload as Critical Error 309 : Project uses invalid Application numbers, will not allow me to go any further.

    Is there a work around for this issue or am I screwed and do I have to re-write the C-Touch & the NIRT?
    Steve Tester, Dec 2, 2007
  2. Steve Tester

    Darren Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Unfortunately there is no easy way around this problem.

    We have been discouraging the use of application addresses over 127 (7F hex) for about five years to prepare people for the time when we completely prevented it. For the last few years, PICED has provided warning messages about the use of these applications.

    Application note is a bit out of date, but covers the usage of application numbers, including the Audio & Video Application. There is a warning there :

    The messages used for this application are identical to standard C-Bus lighting control messages, however the Group Addresses have specific usages, and can not be used in arbitrary ways.

    The best way is to manually change each item which uses this application in PICED. If you are very careful, you can do a "search and replace" in the PICED ctd file which will be much quicker. Make sure you back up your project first. If you are unsure, our Tech Support people can provide some guidance.
    Darren, Dec 3, 2007
  3. Steve Tester


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Port Lincoln
    Does this mean my home C-Bus network with these applications :

    Enable (203), 1 x group used to indicate the status of my alarm panel
    Trigger Control (202), 27 x groups for air con control via NIRT

    ... can't be used in a PICED v4.0 project?

    What about the Heating application (136) and Telephony (224), these are added by default by Toolkit and can't be deleted? How does PICED handle these?

    MichaelCarey, Dec 3, 2007
  4. Steve Tester

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    PICED handles the approved standard cbus applications with addresses 128 and above according to the documented rules of those applications.

    So for example, if your triggers are used to trigger things in a NIRT, no problem.

    If you have a cbus telephone interface then the special messaging in the Telephony application (telling you whats going on as calls come in and so on) will do exactly what its meant to do.

    On the other hand, if you used those applications for purposes that they are not meant to be used for (example, switching lights on and off on the Telephony application) then you might get a barf.
    ashleigh, Dec 3, 2007
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