Where have the iOS apps gone?

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by Roosta, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Roosta


    Nov 24, 2012
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    iOS8.1 no better

    Just updated to iOS8.1 (on my iPhone 5S) and no improvement I'm afraid.

    It "original" App did actually work the first time I launched it so my hopes were high... but then it crashed or hung every time the next 10 attempts.
    The new "HD" app still won't work at all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    TheObo, Oct 24, 2014
  2. Roosta


    Nov 24, 2012
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    Actually iOS8.1 is slightly better with the original App - it works about 10-15% of the time.

    The new "HD" app has still never worked though.. :(

    Please Please Please can someone fix this!?
    TheObo, Nov 12, 2014
  3. Roosta


    Nov 16, 2014
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    I now have four different wiser apps running on my phone. None work at all. Im now sorry I didn't stick with home gate. I thought wiser was the way to go having mobile ability. when is this going to be sorted out ? What a joke seriously. People get apps written in India in a matter of days for pittance. Stop messing around and get with the program.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2014
    MrBus, Nov 16, 2014
  4. Roosta


    Nov 22, 2011
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    Interesting first post MrBus.. Welcome to the forum..

    First things first, this Forum is not a official support channel so if you have what you believe are genuine issues you should raise them with clipsal directly..

    Now onto the fun, perhaps you can advise what model of idevice you are having issues with and which iOS you are running..

    I personally have tested all 4 apps, on iphone 4, 4s, 5, and 6, along with ipad 2 and ipad air running mixtures of iOS7 & 8 and short of the unofficial schneider app (which is no longer available in the app store) not working via remote access (ie 3/4g) I have been able to get the other 3 functioning locally and remotely on a daily basis..

    Obviously you need to ensure your phone settings are correct, enabling data access for those apps etc, and that your settings within each app is correct, and thats all assuming nothing has changed in your installation to stop the wiser access, ie, ISP change, network reconfiguration, wiser turned off, etc..

    Happy troubleshooting..
    Roosta, Nov 16, 2014
  5. Roosta


    Nov 16, 2014
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    Sorry for the abrupt first post roosta. I was under the assumption this was an official Clipsal forum where genuine issues and feedback get heard.

    I have an iPhone 5 running ios 8.1 on a wiser1
    Ipad2 running iOS 8.1 on the same wiser
    Iphone 4 running iOS 8.1 in the same wiser

    Out of the four apps two work intermittently on LAN. By intermittent i mean on opening of the app they may stop half way through loading or just freeze and shut down. Then if the moon is aligned you're in luck it opens and works.

    I find it kind of half baked to even have four apps in the first place. If it's as stable as you claim in your post why the need for four? That aside the apps themselves are very basic in operation and capabilities. It would be nice to be able to adjust schedules and the like.
    I stick by my first post in saying how easily and quickly apps can be written in this day and age. It makes no sense at all that something like this that is an integral part of the wiser system is just so far behind.
    I certainly wouldnt sell this product to anyone and feel confident theyre getting a stable quality system.
    Sorry again for posting here. I'll endevour to take these issues up with Clipsal through other means.
    MrBus, Nov 16, 2014
  6. Roosta


    Nov 23, 2010
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    An update was posted a few days ago; it seems to have helped a bit for me - although as the description states Clipsal know that there are still issues.

    @other ppl with issues - download and let me know if you can connect nearly all the time… (like me…)
    @roosta - do you have a CMU or homesafe panel or camera feed and if so do they work on the HDwiser app? At present these widgets are broken for my installs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
    Ambro, Nov 17, 2014
  7. Roosta


    Nov 22, 2011
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    @Ambro, yep, i sure do have all 3 of those in my own install at home,plus audio and lighting and it all works fine, will be adding thermostats shortly..

    @MrBus, i tend to agree with alot of your comments, of the four apps you have, maybe a quick history lesson, (from my understanding) might assist with understanding the apps.. Originally wiser was only available in the iphone app, which could be used on an ipad in blown up mode, but with the increase in ipad popularity, the demand was there for a ipad app to make use of the better resolution etc, bringing in the 'wiser hd' app, now known as wiseroldaccount, this was i believe released slightly prematurely with bugs, and was also released into the app store under the developers account rather than schneider electric account.. Accidently last christmas schneider again prematurely released and then removed the schneider app, which i believe is a peak into the future of wiser, and maybe wiser2.. Not long ago the wiser1 hd app was released by schneider and appears similar to the wiser hd app in most ways but addressed some of the bugs in the wiser hd app..

    So realistically there is 2 apps currently available for wiser supported by schneider.. Wiser for iphone, and wiser1 hd for ipads.. I am unsure why it seems this other developer is maintaining the wiser hd app presence..

    There is a few functionalities that the idevice apps dont support currently, which unfortunately means without a pc accessing the wiser you do miss out.. But that being said i have been told the android side of things is quite good with many good features, although have not had a proper tinker with it as of yet..

    The one point of experience i can share which has been common across many wiser sites i have tinkered on, is that without a solid network foundation and isp setup, the wiser is never going to be able to perform as intended.. I have always setup the wiser as a lan device on the network with static ip and no control of any sort,no wireless, no dhcp.. I leave that stuff up to the main router modem including all port forwarding duties.. I have always used dynamic dns (via dlink dns) for remote access.. I have always had the remote access coming in on a non standard port ie, not on port 80 etc..
    Roosta, Nov 17, 2014
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