I am working on a particular project, and have both Toolkit and PICED open. There are some things that PICED can't do, so I'm re-assigning lables and GAs to outputs in Toolkit as I work on the screens and scenes in PICED. I'd consider this a fairly common thing to do... I've found that GA's Added or Edited in either Program will not appear/change in the GAs lists in the other program. I even tried saving from both programs so that the data got written to *.xml but that doesn't help. It's a funny situation because both programs are theoretically "editing" exactly the same *.xml project file, so you can see how after a few changes in each prog the data shown in each on-screen can vary considerably, and also be different from what is really saved in the file ! Confusion reigns supreme ! :rolleyes: It seems that the GA details are cached, once only when the project initially loads. Then when changes are made they are "edited in the cache" rather than a proper re-read of the real data - even after a save. I could not find a way to force a refresh (although each refreshes their *own* lists automatically after each amendment, but will only show changes made in that application). The only solution is to close project and re-open again, which is annoying. In Toolkit this is particularly silly - when you change between Projects it definitely takes time to re-read and generate the GA's lists under Application > Groups. But it doesn't really re-read them at all ! Don't know if this is a major issue, but is there a way to make the lists refresh properly? Doing it continuously would be a waste of CPU time. I am thinking that perhaps the data could easily be refreshed after a File > Save, by writing out then re-reading the *.XML data file. Any Comments ? Thanks, John