Will HomeGate & Toolkit co-exist on same machine

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Rolecgroup, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
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    At present i have Toolkit/CTouch and Homegate all running on same macine.

    To use CTouch or Toolkit I have to kill the javaw.exe process to allow these to run as it hold the com port.

    This is the same problem as with V2 of the installation software.

    When we have V3 of all these components will we be able to have them running, or at least stopping one or other without the need to look into the processes to kill javaw

    Rolecgroup, Nov 23, 2004
  2. Rolecgroup


    Jul 26, 2004
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    Hi Dean,

    You can leave C-Bus Toolkit, C-Gate (Java app) and C-Touch all running at the same time. However, as C-Touch still uses it's own native serial driver to program C-Touch Units it will need direct access to the comm port. To do this simiply "Close Network" using C-Bus Toolkit. This then tells C-Gate (The java app) to release the comm port for C-Touch to use.

    In the future C-Touch, Tica and Circa will all be able to use C-Gate to direct program units, however this is a long term plan rather than a feature just arounf the corner.

    There is no need to "kill" the java process, simply open and close the network as required. I find it easier to run multiple serial ports and then not bother doing this. Even with laptops various solutions exist to add additional ports, e.g. USB or PCMCIA.

    With Version 2.5 and later of C-Touch and Homegate you will *have* to leave C-GAte running as these application require this to retrieve tag and project information. Killing the C-Gate process will cause you big problems....so please use the method described above.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2004
    Richo, Nov 23, 2004
  3. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Ok, i understand the CTouch to Toolkit relationship, and how to close the network. Im unsure about Homegate though.

    Homegate V2 required javaw.exe to be running which is run when i have CGate server version started, which is needed to allow Homegate to access network.

    To run Toolkit i have to kill the javaw.exe process, and have always had to do that if i wanted to use V2 Installation software.

    Will Homegate V2.5 use the same CGate instance as created by Toolkit, or will all of them create their own instances.

    Not sure if i'm making myself clear here - i've confused myself now :)

    Here's the scenario.

    1. I have Homegate running on the machine, when i started it up, i had to start CGate server version. When i close Homegate down CGate continues to run in the background holding open COM1.

    2. To utilise V2 Installation or CTouch, i have to kill the javaw.exe instance to allow connection to COM1.

    3. When i now use Toolkit that create a CGate connection, when i finish with Toolkit it closes CGate.

    4. I now restart Homegate, and CGate server version.

    What i want to ascertain is whether i will be a able to run 1 hidden, i.e. server version of CGate on the machine, and then utilise Toolkit, or Homegate without having to change how CGate is running ?

    Obviously i run Homegate with the server version as i dont want a client to be able to accidently close CGate and mess up Homegate.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Rolecgroup, Nov 24, 2004
  4. Rolecgroup


    Jul 26, 2004
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    HomeGate V2.0 requires an old version of C-gate (V1.5) and is not capable of working with C-Gate in C-Bus Toolkit (Toolkit V1.1 C-Gate V2.1).

    It is possible to have a machine with both HomeGate 2.0 and C-Bus Toolkit on, but no you will not beable to run them at the same time. :(

    When HomeGate 2.5 is released it will use the same C-Gate that is shipped with C-Bus Toolkit. They can concurrently share and access the same C-Gate.

    It can be confusing until explained.. we need to do a better job I think of explaining how the software products fit together. I'll speak to the relevant people.

    Once all the products have been released as C-Bus Toolkit compatiable, this will all be painless and seemless (famous last words :) ).

    it is currently a mess because you have to use varous incompatiable legacy application. :(

    If you have a system where C-gate is running as a server, then I recommend changing the option in C-Bus Toolkit to NOT shutdown C-gate on close. This is found in the File|properties dialog.

    yes, understand exactly what you are saying. The problem is not your end, it's an unfortunate circusmtance of incompatiable legacy software. :( It should all be reosolved in a short while as Tica, Circa, HomeGate, C-Touch & Schedule Plus are all due for release soon as C-Bus Toolkit compatiable products.
    Richo, Nov 24, 2004
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