Hello everyone I've been using Windows7 64bit for a while now. Haven't struck any major problems with CBus Toolkit but I also have not been doing much CBus work except for my own office and one other site. So when I open these projects I usually do it from the Toolkit project tree. I just opened Toolkit 1.13.0 Scanned the network and found the project OK. Clicked on open project and Toolkit came up with an error. If anyone is using Windows 7 64 bit and Toolkit 1.13.0 could they check this please. [QUOTE][JCLDEBUGOUTPUT:] Exception occured at </body>A876D0(Module: cxGridCustomTableView, Procedure: cxGridCustomTableView.TcxCustomGridRecord.GetRecordIndex, Source: cxGridCustomTableView.pas, Line: 17799) Exception 'EAccessViolation' in module CBusToolkit.exe at 004866D0 Access violation at address 00A876D0 in module 'CBusToolkit.exe'. Read of address 00000018[/QUOTE]