Wiser DynDns remote access

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by Newbie, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Newbie


    Jun 16, 2010
    Likes Received:
    South Africa
    So I have got my wiser up and running with IP cams, power meters etc.

    I am able to log on to wiser via my home LAN using a web browser @ 192.168.1.x

    I am also able to access wiser locally through my homes wi-fi using the wiser app on my iPad.

    I am also able to access wiser remotely via the wiser app on my iPad when I am out of wi-fi range, I had to set up a DynDns account in order to get this working.

    If I sit on my homes LAN and enter my DynDns account name into my web browser I am able to access wiser no problemo!

    Thing is when I try and access wiser via a web browser using my DynDns account on another LAN for instance my works LAN, I am unable to access it?

    Any suggestions?:confused:
    Newbie, Nov 11, 2011
  2. Newbie

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    It could be your work's network blocking the ports needed by the Wiser (this is very common).

    NickD, Nov 11, 2011
  3. Newbie


    Jun 16, 2010
    Likes Received:
    South Africa

    Hi Nick,

    I have forwarded the following ports on my homes router (wiser): 80, 8080, 8888, 8889. I have forwarded port 81 for my IP camera and I am able to see that from my web browser when I am at the office?

    Not too sure what else to do?
    Newbie, Nov 11, 2011
  4. Newbie


    Jun 13, 2007
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    Hi Newbie,

    When you say the DynDNS account doesn't work from the office, is it only the DYNDNS? How about the direct IP address from there?

    To Test DynDNS is working in the office.
    Open a CMD prompt on your PC and type PING ABCDE.DYNDNS-IP.COM or whatever your allocated DynDNS hostname is.

    Does this hostname resolve to an IP address? If it does it should say 'Pinging' or whatever the external routers IP address is. It may not get ping responses but the address has to be right ie your external address. If not, your office DNS config is blocking you ie it is not resolving the IP address (for whatever reason)

    If you know is the right address, does this work to access Wiser from your office if you use it directly as the URL?

    Are you using port 80?

    Please say what mode of config you used on your Wiser. Is it setup as a LAN node only (option B) or as an internal/external node (option A) or direct external attached node (option C)? ie do you have a separate external router ADSL/Cable/Fibre router? This will affect the port used for remote access. If it is 8080, be aware many external routers eg Telstra cable routers use 8080 as their external management port and so you can need to reallocate the Wiser in Option A configs to something else.

    I am surprised you said that the DynDNS account works on your LAN as DNS would normally resolve to an address that is external to your LAN (unless you have a full local DNS server setup), so you would be routed out off your local subnet. Normally this will not route you traffic back to your private subnet.

    bmerrick, Nov 11, 2011
  5. Newbie


    Nov 3, 2006
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    Sydney, Australia
    As a last resort, install Teamviewer on a home computer and operate the variables from that computer until you work out which port is the problem.

    I find that Teamviewer is like having yourself in two places on a network. You can change variables in the network whilst being in a remote location.
    tobex, Nov 11, 2011
  6. Newbie


    Jan 8, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, Australia
    Remote Wiser access driving me nuts

    Hi All

    I'm really struggling with remote access to a Wiser unit.

    The symptom is that when I connect from a web browser to my DynDns it asks for my username and password, but when I give them it says "Unable to connect to Wiser". So it is seeing the web server, but cannot authenticate the socket. My iPhone does the same sort of thing when I turn off the WIFI, Networking OK, then "Your Wiser is unreachable".

    My setup is as follows:
    - Option B connection, so the Lan port on the wiser is connected to my Lan, the Wan port is not connected to anything
    - I can see and control the Wiser from my laptop and iPhone when they are on the local network
    - the Wiser is web accessible on port 80, internally
    - I have Dyndns working, and have had for years
    - I have forwarded port 80, 8888, and 8889, and let them through the firewall
    - I have checked that my ISP is not blocking these ports
    - http://www.canyouseeme.org/ says 80, and 8888 are open, but not 8889, but I think that what http://www.canyouseeme.org/ is really testing is whether it gets a reply, and that the Wiser isn't replying
    - If I forward port 8889 to port 80 of a web camera instead, http://www.canyouseeme.org/ says it's open
    - I have tried forwarding 8080 to 80, and 80 to 8080, but to no avail
    - As I said above, when I come in externally I can see the wiser device, and the web page it serves, it just won't authenticate.

    Any suggestions at all appreciated!
    Wanton, Jan 8, 2012
  7. Newbie

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    A couple of things to check
    - have you set the "LAN Mode" option in the project properties in
    - check that the "Projector Control" is enabled on the Tools page in the Wiser.

    The second one has got me a few times...

    NickD, Jan 8, 2012
  8. Newbie

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    I contacted Wanton by PM and tested the connection.

    After a few emails it was confirmed that the issue here was that the "Enable Projector Control" in the tools/remote access page of wiser was Disabled (Red LED), enabling this resolved his issue.

    People can find this problem a little confusing when running wiser in the B option as they are asked to login but can not connect. when using a web browser, and can not connect at all when using iPhone Clients.

    For those reading the forum now and in future searches, "Enable Projector Control" is the name given to Enabling remote access to Wiser. for the purpose of connecting wiser clients remotely be it by web browser, iPhone, Android, Nokia etc. If the connection is coming from the web or from any IP address outside of the Wiser's subnet this feature must be enabled in order to get a Client to connect.

    If a remote connection is not possible and "Enable Projector Control" is enabled, please disable it, let the wiser reboot, then enable it and let it reboot again. if this does not solve the issue then go looking at your port forwarding and or firewall.
    Colin, Jan 9, 2012
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