Wiser Formatting / Order

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by impact, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    So I am ashamed of myself - I have had a wiser in a box for a little time now - and finally plugged it in and installed it.

    It runs well.

    Always wanted the control via the iPhone / web browser - and now I have it.

    A couple of disappointments though... I like the control of placing objects on a screen - in a particular order or a particular location, and it appears I don't have that control with Wiser.

    My main point would be to place my lights in the living room in a particular order, as I sit, there are a group down lights to the left of me, another to the right, a set in front of me, and a set behind me.. I call them down lights North / South / East / West..

    The room also has two sets of incandescent globes - funny enough I call them Lights North / South.

    In a web browser I would like to have the East show on one horizontal line, then in the middle have the north and south, and on the bottom line show the West - as this is the orientation I am used to - and what I have done on the ctouch screen.

    So my question is - how is the order set in display, as I can't seem to control locations (unless I am missing something), the best thought I had was to control the order they are displayed with - and maybe I just need to space it out correctly with a blank image on a control that has no input.

    Surely this would make it look nice in a browser, but will probably annoy me more on the iPhone having blank images and no control.

    Any suggestions or help appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance ! :)
    impact, Oct 23, 2012
  2. impact


    Nov 22, 2011
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    You arent missing anything.. This is the way wiser is and has always been and how it will be for the foreseeable future i believe..

    You can trick it as per the way you have discribed but you may find depending on which device u access the wiser from the display will change..

    Alternatively if you dont like the interface u can always go down the path of unning homegate and remote desktop and have a dedicated pc for it..

    All depends how much it bothers u i guess.. :)

    Roosta, Oct 23, 2012
  3. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    Good to know I was not missing something obvious, and that I was thinking in the right direction of tricking it...

    Just disappointed that I couldn't even control the order it appeared with. I'll play in tricking it, or live with it...

    I always knew the home gate type solution would be the ultimate way of doing things... Its just I have enough equipment on 24 * 7 already - I didn't want another one... Although as chips get lighter on the current and smaller in size, maybe I might consider this in a year or two...

    impact, Oct 23, 2012
  4. impact

    Rayson Wiggill

    Mar 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Moving the widgets up the order


    In the Lighting section of the widget manager you can move the individual widgets up or down in order and that does change how they appear in the web app.

    I have done it and that works
    Rayson Wiggill, Oct 23, 2012
  5. impact


    Nov 22, 2011
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    Apologies.. I forgot to mention u can re-order the widgets as per Rayson Wiggill says but u have very little to no control over the actual positioning..

    If you use a 4:3 skin generally u will get 3 widget icons vertically. If you use a 16:9 skin u will get 4 vertically..

    Generally speaking the following widget location applies:

    1 4 7
    2 5 8
    3 6 Etc

    1 5 9
    2 6 10
    3 7 11
    4 8 etc

    In widget manager where it shows u all your widgets there is a number column on the left this represents the order widgets are created and displayed in.. Click and drag a widget to mive it to a different number location might give u enough 'customisability' for your situation..

    Roosta, Oct 23, 2012
  6. impact


    Feb 10, 2008
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    Thanks - Makes it easier now I know the order...

    I had not tried drag and drop, just used the sort button - which seemed to confuse it... I can at least get some sense in the order now....

    You guys are great with these little tips - Thanks from me and the family who are less IT literate (LOL)
    impact, Oct 23, 2012
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