Gents, I have wiser II here for a client, we have barely got the unit sending emails using logic SendEMail(0, using a Gmail account. This is in itself not reliable, some emails send some don't. Any info on reliable email sending would be helpful. Using Gmail account in pop setup, ports 110, 587, TLS, However the real issue is the max length of characters, SendEMail(0, will format in the email string. SendEMail(0, EMailAddress, Subject, Body); will only send a maximum of 30 characters, this according to Schneider Australia is the max limit. A useless amount of text! There is a workaround in the CTC using and array to set the max length, EMailString : array[0..4095] of char; This works on the CTC but I’m being told the wiser II doesn’t have the processing power of the CTC and will not work using EMailString : array[0..4095] of char; Cant use CTC for email as it doesn't support secured SMTP or POP TLS/SSL Also I wanted build a multiline array of email content and send a single email containing information rather than several single emails. I wanted to use the “char” character type function to add carriage returns and line feeds i.e. Format(EMailString, 'The Study Lights have been switched on', #13, #10, 'The Burglar Alarm had been armed ', #13, #10, 'The Burglar Alarm had been disarmed', #13, #10); 'The Burglar Alarm had been triggered', #13, #10); Using latest PICED version of fully updated Wiser II Does anyone have any ideas or experience with the above, many thanks.