Wiser2 Scenes - how to turn OFF?

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 2 Controller' started by Jeff, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. Jeff


    Dec 1, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, Australia
    Yes. That's how you do it.

    That's what I do.

    Yep :)
    Ashley, Mar 10, 2018
  2. Jeff


    Feb 21, 2018
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    New Zealand
    Ok - so having played with the eDLT scenes to send triggers, I found that there are three eDLT scene widgets:
    • On/off looked interesting - until I found that it sends the same action for on and off - i.e. you cannot tell whether the user wants the lights on or off. As I am using the Wiser2 to maintain and turn the scene on this doesn't work
    • Cycle - you can set up the widget with two scenes, using the same trigger and two different actions - e.g. 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. You have to set the two dummy-edlt-scenes to have the same Scene label so that the user doesn't really detect that it is cycling through scenes... but the indicator then stays on... I guess you have to send the indicator-kill from the scene-off Logic.
    • Cycle with scene select - this is naff for on/off - you have to hold the key to set the scene.
    My finding is that you could use dummy-scene-pairs in the EDLT and cycle through them - this send the triggers and actions that you need. You then let the Wiser2 handle the scene-on trigger, and use Logic to turn the scene off and send the indicator kill.

    The downside of this is that using scenes on the eDLT creates the naff numeric Applications for dynamic labels - and there doesn't seem to be an option to turn this off. Weirdly, you cannot use Static Text for the label - you are forced into Scene Name or Dynamic Labels. I have developed dynamic-label-aversion as these seem (?) to cause a blow-out in the size of the database, and slow the eDLT updates down to somewhere between treacle and a sticky-snail.

    My conclusion is that it's easiest to maintain Wiser-2 scene pairs (on/off) and use a Lighting Group as trigger. This seems the least evil - but still suffers from indicator-inaccuracy (the Wiser2 doesn't detect when a scene is broken, so thinks your scene is still fully on.

    Next time I look at scenes, I think I will try scripted C-Gate scenes using Lighting App triggers. I am thinking scenes-in-files, a helper that listens on the status port, sending C-Gate2 on/off messages for the scene components, and that manages the indicator aka lighting-app-trigger-group state when the scene is broken... I think there are three approaches to take when a scene-breaks:
    1. indicator-off = turn the indicator off WITHOUT turning off the rest of the scene
    2. scene-off = turn the indicator and the rest of the scene off
    3. do-nothing = as per the Wiser2... as there may be no good action, just leave the indicator on.
    I might have to try them all to see which I prefer. I guess that it depends on how the scenes are being used.

    If anyone is motivated to join me on this quest, ping me.
    Jeff, Mar 12, 2018
  3. Jeff

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    In eDLT you use a Scene Widget for all scenes.

    If the scenes are remote, you just create empty scenes in the eDLT and it will just send the triggers.

    This is what the Scene Cycle key function in the Scene Widget does. There are 2 versions... "Scene Cycle" triggers the next scene in the sequence as soon as you press the button.. "Scene Select" allows you to cycle through the list without triggering each scene as you cycle through, and then triggers the one that you stop on.

    NickD, Mar 14, 2018
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